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Live Blogs Twin Union: We'll Never Fight Alone! (Sacred Stones Draft)
Barrylocke2012-07-02 23:47:33

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Chapter 14A: (Lovesick Warriors are the worst)

If I wind up losing this draft contest, it will almost certainly be because of this chapter.

  • The path to the throne room had a few entrances, but I decided to split the team up into two groups. Ewan, Garcia, and Colm (for his lockpick) took the central path, while Eirika, Artur, Kyle, Tana, and L'Archeal (for her recruiting) took the eastern path that was a more direct route to the boss.

  • At first things were going swimmingly. The central team managed to recover a Guiding Ring, meaning that the team had all of the items they would need to promote. Meanwhile, the eastern team was able to overtake and intercept Rennac, the Rogue. With him on my side, Colm has a thief buddy to work with.

  • And then...things went to hell in a handbasket. The boss of this chapter just would NOT die, and combined with some decisions that probably weren't the best, I wound up spending over half of the chapter trading hits with the guy.

  • The worst thing was that Artur's Resistance was so high that the bosses magical sword was unable to touch him if he attacked from a distance. Unfortunely, Artur could only do but so much damage against him, and his chances of hitting were under 50%. Because of this, I attempted to speed things up with Eirika and a Killer Sword, but she kept missing and getting hit. Every time Eirika got hit, Artur had to heal her up so she could continue. I also attempted to do it with Kyle and the Spear that Rennac had gotten during this map. Unfortunetly, his hit rate was even lower, and he wasn't any help.

  • In the end, it was Tana and Artur's combined power that defeated the boss. Tana slowly went at the foe, who eventually died to 2 of her critical hits with a little support attacking from Artur. But the damage was done. It took so long to complete the map, that the central team had enough time to defeat all of the enemy reinforcements, double around, and collect the treasures on the west side. To put it another way, the enemy's Wind Sword went from 40 uses to 15ish. In conclusion, lets pretend this Chapter never happened, ok?

Well, at least it's almost that time...

  • Eirika: Level 20 Lord; HP: 30; Str: 11; Skill: 16; Speed: 17; Luck: 15; Def: 7; Res: 3; Con: 5; Swords: A

  • Garcia: Level 3 Hero; HP: 44; Str: 18; Skill: 14; Speed: 11; Luck: 12; Def: 11; Res: 5; Con: 14; Axes: S; Swords: C

  • Artur: Level 5 Bishop; HP: 34; Mag: 18; Skill: 17; Speed: 17; Luck: 7; Def: 7; Res: 20; Con: 7; Light: S; Staff: C

  • Kyle: Level 2 Paladin; HP: 42; Str: 16; Skill: 12; Speed: 11; Luck: 8; Def: 14; Res: 2; Con: 12; Swords: A; Lances: A

  • Tana: Level 17 Pegasus Knight; HP: 37; Str: 9; Skill: 12; Speed: 20; Luck: 18; Def: 8; Res: 8; Con: 5; Lances: B

  • Ewan: Level 12 Mage; HP: 34; Mag: 15; Skill: 13; Speed: 13; Luck: 16; Def: 4; Res: 13; Con: 6; Anima: B

Turns: 32 (178 turns total)

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