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Alfric2013-02-01 14:02:31

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So, Marth's gonna charge in with an army of ghosts now, right?

'Cause that's the vibe this chapter title is giving me. Marth certainly knows enough people who should be dead for it to work.

Chapter 15 - Return of the Prince: Finished.

Base: The inventory is managed first, and since everyone lost their starshards, they all need a fourth weapon to fill the slot. The reforged Starsphere, it's previous power lost in the process of its destruction, now boosts all stats by 2. It is returned to its previous wielder, Gordin, until Marth takes it later. The only talk is Robert and Lyra (1), where Lyra learns of Roberts closeness to the horses he rides into combat, and his odd family life where he developed that skill. How's Everyone yields a Bamboo and Blunt sword, a Bordcord axe, and Ryan's bow, so all in all some pretty solid finds. With this done, and Julian at our side to set Est free, we begin the march!

Marth & Julian: Each headed with a different group, Marth joining Lyra's in the west, and Julian joining Gordin's in the south. After Gordin gave his starsphere to Julian, he was able to open the door and let the group save Est. He then opened the other door, and allowed that group to push through and head towards the castle. Marth meanwhile healed and ran through the ballista fire to visit a village where he got an energy drop. As his group advanced, he went to the armory and purchased some steel bows, and then seized with the boss defeated.

Dolph: Guest starred in this chapter due to being able to wield bows, he provided some help for Gordin's group, but didn't do much so as not to take much experience.

Lyra, Horace, Robert, Norne, & Jeorge: Headed west, down the long stretch of land towards the villages. They push through a small platoon of armor knights, and then intercept a couple thieves who aimed to ransack a village. They pushed forward at a fast pace, with Robert actually leading against the enemies, and soon enough rounded the bend towards Altea castle and joined with Gordin's group in defeating any remaining foes. Horace and Norne had to hang back a bit though, to deal with a group of reinforcements who appeared after everyone began taking the castle.

Gordin, Ryan, Jake, & Warren: Joined by Dolph, they slowly but surely dealt with the horde of foes near the jail where Est was, Jake using a hand axe to pick off foes from all distances while they waited for their enemies to come to them. Once they were dealt with, Gordin gave Julian the starsphere to deter ballisticians from going for him, and it worked, allowing Julian to open the door while everyone piled in and killed the general guarding Est. They then had Julian open the other door, took down the swarm bishop, and began to march on the castle. Julian returned the starsphere, and then the castle fell within only a couple of turns, the ballistae and bishops being slain to remove a set of annoyances.

Eibel: Fought hard, but was overwhelmed. Ryan, Jeorge, and finally Robert were able to finish him off in one round, taking advantage of his being stuck on a silver lance to pick him off without any threat.

Levels: Lyra 8, Gordin 9, Ryan 9, Warren 9, Jake 10, Robert 9, Jeorge 11, Norne 8, Horace 9.

Afterwards: Marth feels a bit unsure of his ability to truly take back his home and protect it from Archanea, but Lyra says that she will shoulder some of his burden for him, and help him take back their home.

Up Next: Reclaim The Capital, where we, well, reclaim the capital of Altea.

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