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Alfric2012-03-05 19:27:57

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Ya know, I spent the bottom end of this chapter in horrified anticipation...

...waiting for Enemy!Mordecai to run out and rip one of my units a new one from the shadows. Seriously, his stats makes him pretty much invincible to the Dawn Brigade units, and he'd be able to take them out with only one or two shots.

Chapter 6-3 - A Reason to Fight: Finished.

Aran & Laura: Took the northern guard, Aran kept the focus of most of the enemies, making good use of Resolve to buffer his low speed once his health was whittled down by the onslaught of tigers. He held his ground, healing himself if he entered critical condition, and pushing forward slightly so that Laura could get a better look at the enemy forces with the Torch staff. After making use of the Torch, Laura blasted away at a few tigers, helping lighten the load for Aran as they held back the enormous flow of foes.

Jill & BK: Jill took the eastern area, holding off the countless enemies as well as she could. She had to heal constantly, but she held her position and fought back the near endless influx of foes as well as she could, nearly dying on more occasions than I'd have rather seen. Eventually, the BK appeared and took over most of the work for a bit so she could pick herself back up, before she flew back out and tried to take out as many foes as quickly as possible to reach the kill count. She eventually reached that on turn 10, where she javelined an unshifted tiger.

Up Next: We rejoin the Greil Mercenaries, where Mist has a reunion with an old friend, Ike talks to an old foe, and we duke it out with the Dawn Brigade!

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