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Alfric2012-02-06 18:58:37

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...I see why some people call him Samus Aran.

Aside from the pun, I mean. Seriously, he took on the bosses with ease, and tanked their attacks like they were nothing. Add in constant healing from Laura, and he is pretty much invincible.

Chapter 3-1 - A Distant Voice: Finished.

Laura: Stuck behind Aran, where she healed his wounds as he took down the foes one by one. She's growing kind of slowly, so I'm probably going to need to give her some boss abuse if I want her at tier two before the end of part 1.

Aran: Guarded both Sothe (carrying Micaiah), and Laura from the tigers and cats that constantly charged in. He completely ignored the cats, who could only helplessly bounce off him and get stabbed, while he dealt with the tigers who could actually hurt him, thus giving Laura some experience as well. After the initial wave of felines were neutered by his various stabs, slices, and criticals, he hunted down the rest of them, opening up a path for Sothe to steal all of the treasure. He first dealt with Pain, who tried to bar his path up into the northern area, and felled the tiger with a few curt smacks of his spear. He then circled around, taking out the remaining enemies before Agony came to fight him. Aran sensed the opportunity for an ironic kill, and blocked the enormous tiger with his small shield, got a non-lethal critical, and then ended the fight with a final stab. Sothe stole the last of the treasure, and Aran took down the last cat, who was sitting in a corner out of the way.

Up Next: The dynamic duo add a third member to the group, this time a familiar face from three years past, returning to the fray...

Comment Question: Aran has turned out absolutely fantastically for me, with capped strength, skill, and defense by level 18, and now level 20 by the end of this chapter. I heard that he was good, and a reliable defender, but I hadn't expected him to be this strong. Has there ever been a character that you used who has completely exceeded your expectations, and just rocked your proverbial socks off?

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