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Live Blogs An exercise in masochism: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Hard Mode
SCBracer2011-11-26 04:57:54

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Part 2 Prologue: On Drifting Skies

Last time, we liberated the country of Daein from Begnion(ese?) rule. This time, we're going to take part in quelling a rebellion in Crimea, against a political backdrop of racism, hatred, and anti-feminism.

No base prep this time, so we head straight into the action, after Leanne and Nealuchi pay us a visit. We get some new units as a result. The theme for this chapter will be "Horrid Availability".

Map 2-P

Victory Condition: Survive for 8 turns

Defeat Condition: Elincia dies; Leanne/Nealuchi dies; Leanne is Captured

Roster: Elincia, Marcia, Nealuchi, Leanne

First things first: "Captured" in this case means Rescued by enemy unit who remains undefeated until the map ends.

Second thing: Leanne is a Godsend in this map, so don't let her get captured anyway.

Third thing: This map is extremely easy on the easier modes, and it's possible to rout the enemy in 4 turns, if you use Marcia and Elincia along with Haar, when he turns up.

Anyways, map begin!

First turn goes into taking out immediate threats, and Elincia is hilariously useless on Hard Mode. We take out two enemies. 9 more to go.

On Normal and below, she can weaken the Dracoknights substantially for Marcia to pounce on. Not so much here. This mostly due to her wielding a Slim Sword (2mt) as her weapon, so her 19 Str doesn't make much of a difference.

Turn two involves more Dragon death. 2 more fall. 7 left. On the enemy phase, one attack Elincia, and she activates her Mastery skill to do 9 damage. No, really. This chap has more defense than the others, so Nealuchi and Marcia team up to take him out on the Player phase. 6 left after turn 3.

My brother comes into the room to inform me that Eragon is "SO GOOD" which makes me stare at him instead of counting squares properly, and so we can't quite kill the the other guy. 5 left.

GUESS WHO'S HERE? HAAR'S HERE THAT'S WHO. He's going probably solo the rest of the chapter. In any case, Marcia recruits him, is healed up, and with some Shove hijinks, prepare to kill another Dracoknight. She... doesn't quite manage, leaving Haar to score his first kill.

The rest of the map is similar, with Elincia and Marcia hurting things, and Haar doing the mopping up thing. Only thing to note is the incredibly Bad Ass (i.e. everything Haar says) boss conversation.

Well, that didn't go to plan. No resets, but the Boss went after Elincia, who dodged, but couldn't counter due to a lack of range (and piss poor damage anyway). One lackey dies on Haar, but the other acts like his leader and pick on Elincia. Only one turn left.

The two remaining enemies are duly taken out on the last Player phase, and we finish the map.

This map is literally as dull as this update: Nothing of note happen, at all, and it is possible to complete using only Marcia and Elincia, provided you don't go after the Boss. Haar is the best character though, so it has its worth?

Items Obtained:

None at all.

New Characters: Will be announced in their official Joins The Team map.

Post Chapter notes:

  • Complete breather chapter. Next one is significantly more annoying, even on Easy. Haar trivialises everything.

  • Out of all of these characters, only one gets decent availability. Seriously. WHY INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS? WHY?

  • The chapter does give us a good idea of how dickish everyone in Begnion (who has any power) is other than Sanaki, Sigrun, Tanith and Sephiran (2 of whom were in our Po R party). I am also a Sanaki fan because she is awesome. And blows up things using a mini-sun.

Next time: Vive La Revolution? I think not.

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