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Live Blogs Let's Play ICONS: THE RPG.
MadWritter2012-02-11 06:16:09

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It's A Super-Time For A Super-List From Mad Writter

The following list is done like the following:

  • # (The Number of When I Did That Hero), Origin (That hero origin's type), Hero's Name — That's very oblivious, (Quick summary of her origin)

Here's the list of all 10 heroes.

  • 1 = Transformed Origin: Archane (The spirit of Archane reborn in a human body given magic by Hades)
  • 2 = Transformed Origin: Dragon (A human-shape dragon)
  • 3 = Gimmick Origin: Squid (A teenager discover his father's super armor)
  • 4 = Unearthly Origin: Merangel (A mermaid from another dimension)
  • 5 = Unearthly Origin: Emerald (Good business rival to Diamond)
  • 6 = Trained Origin : Fairy (A human faking Fairy to continue her family's superhero history.)
  • 7 = Birthright: The Mole Mistress (The daughter of two retired superhero that inherited both parents abilities.)
  • 8 = Transformed Origin: Golemette (A female knight turned into a golemn)
  • 9 = Transformed Origin: Miss Luck (One of Diamond's victims turned into a luck controller)
  • 10 = Unearthly Origin: The Futurist (A alien teenager know for seeing the future)

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