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Live Blogs Let's Play ICONS: THE RPG.
MadWritter2011-10-23 05:11:15

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It's a new day, and it's time for ICONS superhero number #2.

Once again, I roll for origin. And this time I get the following: 6 which is transformed. This follow by the six abilities.

  • Prowess: 4
  • Coordination: 4
  • Strength: 3
  • Intellect: 5
  • Awareness: 4
  • Willpower: 4

22 > 20. That means I kept it. Now let's see what how many superpowers he/she/its gets. 9 = 4.

  • 7 = Mental: 4 = Bottom of the table. 3 = Mind Control. Bullets. This counts as two powers. Level:
  • 11 = Sensory: 5 = Bottom of the table. 4 = Postcognition = See into the past.
  • 6 = Defensive: 3 = Middle of the Table. 4 = Immunity (but that's a counts as two powers — but I only one left — so that's means I rell. This time is 5 which is Reflection which is also counts as a two — so another roll one for this one is on the table. 2 = Life Support. That's good. I decide on that once I roll for the power level. 4 = I decide on the follow four: (Eating, Breathing, Pathogens, Toxins)

Specialties Time. 4 = That means only one. Ugh,.

1 = Performance: Acting.

I think I add +2 to Strength for 3

Stamina is 3 + 4 = 7

Background is up next: "Sometime between World War I and World II, the famous dragons of Chinese history flew invisible to the United States. This allowed the Chinese who where all ready there in California to study them. Dragons spooked the FBI and military — so the American government decide to leave them alone. A few months ago, a insulting play about Dragons starting Drai Gron was attacked by Count Dracula looking for a new vampire mistress — but this as soon as stuck his fangs into Drai's neck — he discover no blood! Soon the semi-fake superhero Diamond show up and defeat him but drops a old black book. The pages were erased by pencil — Diamond wasn't a fool - but Drai picked it up — and discover names and phone numbers of Diamond's old villains including Powermaster. Drai Gon talked to her mother, Divina Gron, who revealed that e is a dragon in human form. After a bit of training, she become a superhero named Dragon. Meanwhile, using a copy, the other dragons tried to find everyone in the old book - but got no one."

Now it's time for appearance: "As Drai Green is brown hair and brown eye woman dress in a blue business suit and blue high-heels. As Dragon, she appeared to be a blue dragon with pink hair and purple eyes with a long red Chinese qipao."

Determination subtraction time. I have no abilities over 6. Mind Control counts for 2. So as math phrase, would be done like this: 6 - (2 [Mind Control] + 1 (Postcognition) + 1 (Life Support) = 2. The Qualities and The Challenges are in the following full states. I decide on the United Council of Chinese Dragons is on her side as she is a half-dragon and her acting makes her thinking acting as super is good. Her Challenges connects to both her past — Diamond pretending to save the day — making her a rival to Dragon — and the past of the dragons: high violable temper.

Dragon: Full Stats

  • Name: Dragon
  • Origin: Transformed
  • Abilities:
    • Coordination: 4
    • Strength: 3
    • Intellect: 5
    • Awareness: 4
    • Willpower: 4
  • Powers:
    • Mind Control: 5
    • Postcognition: 2
    • Life Support: 4 (Eating, Breathing, Pathogens, Toxins)
  • Specialties:
    • Performance (Acting)
  • Stamina: 7
  • Background: Sometime between World War I and World II, the famous dragons of Chinese history flew invisible to the United States. This allowed the Chinese who where all ready there in California to study them. Dragons spooked the FBI and military — so the American government decide to leave them alone. A few months ago, a insulting play about Dragons starting Drai Gron was attacked by Count Dracula looking for a new vampire — but this as soon as stuck his fangs into Drai's neck — he discover no blood! Soon semi-fake superhero Diamond show up and defeat him but drops a old black book. The pages were erased by pencil — Diamond wasn't a fool - but Drai picked it up — and discover names and phone numbers of Diamond's old villains including Powermaster. Drai Gon talked to her mother, Divina Gron, who revealed that e is a dragon in human form. After a bit of training, she become a superhero named Dragon."
  • Appearance: "As Drai Green is brown hair and brown eye woman dress in a blue business suit and blue high-heels. As Dragon, she appeared to be a blue dragon with pink hair and purple eyes with a long red Chinese qipao."
  • Determination: 2
  • Qualities:
    • Contacts: United Chinese Dragons Council
    • "Acting As A Hero is Easy"
  • Challenges:
    • Rival: Diamond
    • Social: Temper

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