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Live Blogs Let's Play All Four Sly Cooper games.
MadWritter2011-08-15 14:07:05

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Boats, Computers, and Photos

  • Cooper Family Recording: 1251
  • Subjects: Bentley and Sly

First up, Bentley and Sly face off against Black Viper gang to get rid of them to prevent the death of Miss Fox. They had to dodge boats, shipping crates, piers, stone bridges, and wooden towers - but they were successful in defeating three Black Viper gang agents — saving Miss Fox from death.

Second, Sly followed Ocativo — taking photos of his works — He had take them four times —

  • 1) A soon as the mission start
  • 2) A wheel near Ocativo's mansion
  • 3) A wheel near an aquarium
  • 4) A wheel near the police station

After the four one, Sly follow him to the ferris wheel — learning that it's a pump for the tar.

Third, Sly and Bentley head inside Ocativo's house and hack into his computer. Despite of Ocativo's goon, Bentley was successful in getting the information.

Recorded by: Hermes/Mercury

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