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Live Blogs Let's Play All Four Sly Cooper games.
MadWritter2011-08-15 11:00:51

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McSweeety And The Vault

  • Cooper Family Recording: 12049
  • Subject: The Cooper Gang

It's been a few yeas since the Klaww Gang Kaper Klimax — and Bentley has been a laying low since Clock-La and finished bulling his new wheelchair — if noble crime need to done, he will be ready to back on the field with out worrying about his legs.

Miss Fox has been searching for The Cooper Gang but no luck — but she did arrest a few crooks. Miss Fox found Neyla's phone number — the cop realized that Neyla used Miss Fox's office phone so she can call up her tank goon squad. Learning about water problems in Venice., Italy — she decide to bring them aboard — as that sector was own by Don Ocativo — one of the ruthless lion since a certain no-good-nick from Germany in World War II.

Murray fallen under a spell of Dreamtime Guru form the outback of Australia and has been sent on a walkabout to places over the globe. He's walking in Rome on the way to Venice. Hope he doesn't cross both with Don Ocativo.

Sly got sneaked into a jail - to talk to Mc Sweety, a guy that claimed run with his father's gang — pulling jobs around the world — and massing a collection of loot. Mc Sweety told Sly all about Cooper Vault — where ancestor hidden the loot. Given clues — Bentley and Sly set out — only to discover that some called himself, "Dr. M" had set up shot and build a fortess that makes Mt. Olympia itself look a tot's couch fort.

Sly has a plan to get strength his team up for the Vault Job.

Recorded by: Hermes/Mercury.

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