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MadWritter2011-08-15 04:29:32

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The Aftermath of Clock-La

  • Cooper Family Recording: 1038
  • Subject: The Cooper Gang

Sometime later, Murray and Bentley reached a local Thief Net warehouse where they brought disguises for a visit to a hospital — there Murray and Bentley were that it was turns out that Bentley will be stuck in a wheel chair for for a while.

Murray told Sly and Bentley that he was leaving.

Bentley worked on a "What If" cartoon for Sly. This "What-If" was about Appiggo getting control of Clockwerk fame and naming himself Clockwerk II. Though the some of the missions were the same - just wrecking the four engines. Then following Clockwerk II to a secret mansion in England — where the gang make him so mad that Clockwerk II had battle them. It was a very long battle — longer then the Clockwerk's battle — but in the end the gang had gotten all the parts — even the Hate Chip. Bentley found the Hate Chip — and Murray smashed into peices. Then Sly wrote a long letter and sent to the head of Interpol —who found Miss Fox and told her all about the strange letter. Sly and Bentley argeed that would have been better end to his Klaww gang caper then what really happen.

After that, Sly and Bentley lay-low for the time period — only stepping out in disguises for get food or parts for Bentley's second wheel chair.

Recorded by: Hermes/Mercury

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