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Live Blogs Let's Play All Four Sly Cooper games.
MadWritter2011-08-14 14:43:53

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The End of Clock-La

  • Cooper Family Recording: 1037
  • Subjects: Sly Cooper and Miss C. Fox

Sly using one of Bentley's new gadgets — A Mega-Jump Engine — hoped around the blimp looking for radio towers to turn on to make a pulse so Miss Fox can find the blimp. Sly turned them all on — and then meet up with Miss Fox. Miss Fox told him to cut the "chit-chat" — so they can battle Clock-La

Clock-La had the following attacks:

  • Yellow Missile (Sly had to shot this type one time to destroy it.)
  • Red Missile (Sly had to shot this type three times to destroy it.)
  • Clockwerk's Circle Missiles (Sly had to shot the outside to so the helicopter can get by the electric pulse
  • Hypo-Beam (Sly had to hit Clock-La's head to stop his one.)

After getting her wings almost clear off her, Clock-La went and pick up the Safe House in hopes of chewing up Bentley and Murray like caramel creams. Sly used the left overs of the blimps to get on Clock-La. Sly then get on Clock-La's equal to a shoulder and hit him — hiding behind her head before Clock-La unleashed the hypo-beam. After a while, she crashes into the a park in Paris.

As usual, Murray went to open up the mouth. Then Bentley bombed the laser beams — and then grabbed the hate chip. The beak closed on him — and Murray open the beak and grabbed Bentley — who couldn't walk.

Miss Fox cursed herself for not showing up sooner —- but Sly give her the Hate Chip. Once Miss Fox smashed the Hate Chip, Clockwerk's part melted into pieces — as if time itself as caught up with that robotic insult to Athena. Miss Fox told the gang they were under arrest. Sly took one look at his friends — and decide his gang was in more move for a fast get away — so Sly offer to come peacefully in exchanged for allowing Murray and Bentley Sly was surprised as the left their gang behind.

After bit of a silence trying to read each other thoughts, Mr. Cooper and Miss Fox got talking — about past adventure, comparing notes, and even getting in laugh. Then they talked about: music, books, music — like they were on a first date. After showing a wine bottle she been solving for her arrest of Sly Cooper, Miss Fox discover that their short flight had taken two hours — a fact Sly got clue in when he saw the Eiffel Tower for the seventeen time. As he escape, Sly heard Miss Fox said, "I will FOUND YOU, Cooper."

Recorded by: Hermes/Mercury

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