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Live Blogs Let's Play All Four Sly Cooper games.
MadWritter2011-08-12 05:06:08

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Ten Kidnappings In One Day is A New Record

  • Cooper Family Recording: 1022
  • Subject: Sly and Murray

Ten kidnappings in one day — that's a record that won't be broken for centuries. Here's what was up.

Murray was up first. Bentley wanted to asks General Clawfoot, the general in-charge of security for Contessa's castle. Murray thought it was just a old man. He must have been the brains behind the Shadow Squad — as he's touch — Clawfoot only has two fears (water and fire — if you want to get know what is phobias are.). Murray used the general to knock down any flashlight guards on the way back to the gang's safe house just a few steps away from Neyla's HQ. When back, Bentley want for the old cartoon tickle torture to get information out of General Clawfoot.

Next, Sly sneaked into the crypt of the Evil Wolf Prietress and free 9 ghosts. Then he had to capture them on film.

  • 5 on the castle's side
  • 3 in the town.

After that, Sly dumped the ghost bank the Neyla's headquarters. A shake-up Neyla high-heeled out of there to get some air power.

Recorded by: Hermes/Mercury

Well, tonight's the night I'm going to get as much as I can done with this level. The next level is my second favorite out of all three Sly Cooper gang. Thought you won't get my favorite level until we start with Sly 3.

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