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Live Blogs Let's Play (and snark at) Riviera: The Promised Land!
ShieldOfDoom2011-06-12 14:41:00

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All right, it's time to finally bring down the last Accursed. Too long have these foul fiends terrorized the good citizens of Riviera, but today, their reign of terror shall end! We have travelled long, facing many dangers along the way, and now we stand ready to face the final Accursed.

With that said, it's time to enter area 5-8: Pieta.

The very first thing that happens is that we enter a cloud of dangerous poison. This area is filled with Venoma fungi, which are slowly sapping our HP. They've also turned our Bread into Moldy Bread, which is toxic. Cierra can master it, so I'll go ahead and do that:


  • Moldy Bread: Sterilize: Level 1, turns all remaining Moldy Bread into Burnt Bread

I then replaced the Burnt Bread with some Meat.

I then examine the evil toxic death fungus, which ruins me Meat. This gives me the chance to master the Rotten Meat as well:


  • Rotten Meat: Sterilize: Level 1, turns all remaining Rotten Meat into Burnt Meat

With that out of the way, we head further into the area. The next screen contains the very last group of slimes in the entire game, and I'm quite glad to see them go. It also contains a bud from the evil toxic death fungus of death. Unfortunately, it melts when exposed to normal air (somehow). Fortunately, we have a bottle to put it in, so the Venoma Bud is mine.

Moving on, we've only got one screen before the Accursed. It contains a lone treasure chest, which has a Spiral Arch bow for us. It's bound to be more useful than the Burnt Meat, so I drop that to make room for it. I then proceed to master it:


  • Spiral Arch: Spiral Shot: Level 1, 1-hit physical non-elemental attack, power of 329


  • Spiral Arch: Slayer Arrow: Level 2, 4-hit physical holy-elemental attack, power of 162


  • Spiral Arch: Divine Wind: Level 3, 7-hit physical holy-elemental attack, power of 166, effective against flying enemies


  • Spiral Arch: Tri-Shot: Level 1, 3-hit magic holy-elemental attack, power of 155

Now, we head onward to the fifth and final Accursed, Death. That's right, the last of the fiends that plagues Riviera is none other than the Grim Reaper himself. He does the usual sort of speech that all the other Accursed had. Now, it is time to face off against our greatest foe yet!

Serene: "This could get ugly!"

Boss battle: Death

  • HP: 4200
  • Strength: 60
  • Magic: 56
  • Agility: 10
  • Vitality: 20
  • Resists ice and lightning
  • Vulnerable to holy

Death is the one and only boos who has minions (if you don't count the Sage and Fool, of course). Fortunately, said minions are just small elementals, which pose no threat whatsoever. However, if they are defeated, Death will upgrade himself into a red version with improved stats across the board. However, he has a significant weakness that I fully intend to take advantage of.

You see, when the Rage gauge is filled up, the next enemy to move always uses a Break Out, regardless of what they would've done normally. This happens to include transformation attacks. Furthermore, Death's Break Out is rather underwhelming.

The strategy didn't quite work as planned, and Death managed to transform, but I was still able to kill him with Disaresta before he could actually do any significant damage.


  • Time to victory: 101
  • Final attack level: Execution
  • Score for victory: 14900

This is an S-rank, and as such rewards me with the Night Scythe.

I am immediately sent into the results screen, which desplays the following:

  • Turns taken: 156 (rank A)
  • Items left: 14 (Rank S)
  • Pleased: 2 (Rank B)
  • Starting TP Next Chapter: 6

The party then starts celebrating, because they've just defeated the last of the Accursed. However, Death appears before us one more time, claiming that he will have his revenge for that defeat. Of course, seeing as we just annihilated him with little effort, I don't know how threatening that is.

Ursula then starts talking about a supposed "more horrific darkness" that will threaten Riviera. Of course, she talks in the most cryptic manner possible, and as such we don't actually learn anything from this.

Unraveling the secret of the ankhs, Ein and company made their way through Mireno and sealed the last of the Accursed.

Finally, all of the Accursed have been sealed. Ein, believing that Riviera has been saved, hurries back to Elendia in high spirits.

So, now we've defeated the demonic forces that threatened Riviera. I'm now returned to Elendia, so I'll leave it here for now.

Next time: A victory lap around Elendia. After all, we've dealt with the last of our foes, right?

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