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TotemicHero2011-07-06 14:40:32

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Nintendo 64 vs. Playstation (Part 1)

The video:

At last, we come to the jokers known as Retsupurae. I suppose no other introduction (other than a link to our page on them) is necessary.

In this case, this is one of their many videos ripping on the "Gaming In The Clinton Years" series of review videos by NAViGaTR. They seem to like targeting these videos the most, Electrical Beast and Billy MC aside.

How well does their snark translate to transcriptions? Let's find out.

cannot do that come up with another clinton jokes forget it

Why can't we make Bush jokes instead?

what about their social you what they call the playstation

Pretty sure they call the Playstation...a Playstation. Also, if you want social electronics, buy a computer and sign up on Facebook.

decker activist seems as thought the battle between the nintendo sixty four and playstation

Oh, are we coming up with fictional characters already? Hey, Decker Activist sounds like a pretty cool name.

will be directly related to players tweezers between super mario sixty four and resident

So you're telling me people actually played video games with tweezers back then? Funny, I played with a controller or a keyboard (depending on whether it was a console or a PC), but I guess there's no accounting for taste.

very terribly terribly were so many shitty reviewer deals of absolutes well what's the

Less than 30 seconds in, and we can already tell there's no respect for this guy.

difference tentatively care capacitors camera motion during game play is

Well, isn't that getting technical.

redeemer only half agree himself in the same note as well as we always efforts characters

Okay, you don't agree with this guy. Tell me something I don't know?

what mario and his friend from you

Is Mario's friend Decker Activist? You know, for all that they ripped Electrical Beast for his Mario "fanfiction", these guys seem to be coming up with quite a bit of it themselves.

mom's resistance to the voice over in the beginning of the game mister navigator devo

Okay, so the game doesn't impress moms. Silly moms, always interfering without understanding the content of the games. But I don't recall either Super Mario 64 or Resident Evil having music by Devo as part of their soundtrack.

hasn't solved on start i think this guy's got incredible hyper spot

Rhyme intended? Who knows.

became a quote from the impossible without the handbook

Is the quote from the impossible or is it impossible without the handbook? Or both? I'm starting to think insanity plays a major role in Retsupuraes.

like this online

The handbook is online? Wait, I thought the internet was a sparse thing back in the 90's. No You Tube, no Wikipedia, no TV Tropes. Was I misled?

to provide what we were the public square and wanting to grab all they captured the

Are we taking about Nintendo or Sony? They're both big businesses, but sheesh, no need to bash them for that.

resident developer c four e sixty four wins by a close call it slightly better than it

What is C Four E? Who won by a close call? Don't talk about stuff out of nowhere! I'm not sure who's worse, the snarkers or the snarked. Snarkee? Whatever, you get the idea.

is possible game that's a big nostalgia i think that what connection that someone said

And these guys agree? This...I...I'm not sure what to make of this anymore.

in my arms exports the nintendo sixty discussed so lazy that it is even get real

They're calling it the Nintendo 60 and they accuse the reviewer of being lazy? Really? Respect...dropping...

footage began bringing yes by maybe he doesn't have a contest people worry i'll expect tomorrow

I'm worried...about them being able to be unbiased. Biased snark does not come off as nearly as funny.

Well, I suppose we'll stop here. But there's more to cover, more pathetic attempts on snarking to mock, and we'll take them all on in the next part.

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