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Nyperold2010-12-21 20:58:13

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episode 10: the rowdiness before battle

The picture is that of Kagami with her back to the reader, but looking back with one eye, tongue a little bit out, wrist on hip, and the other hand holding a popsicle (fudgesicle?) with at least one bite out of it. Her attire is some sort of sleeveless top, a skirt, and socks. (I don't know what grade this makes her.) Her tails are up in ox horns.

girl who cried wolf

Konata is actually ill this time. (Maybe she's not as stupid as she said; see episode 4.) She tries to call in sick, but Kuroi thinks it's just an excuse, and that May is over, so the May Blues are out, and that she should hurry up and get there. Konata is stunned.

a question of motivation

(Anime episode 4's title!)

The heat has drained Konata's will to do anything, so she calls up Kagami to request that they come to her house instead of her going there. But Kagami mentions the freshly-baked cookies, which is just the motivation Konata needs.

feelings are a spice?

Konata remarks how tasty Tsukasa's cookies are. Then Kagami lets on that she baked with Tsukasa, and Tsukasa was teaching her. Konata stops in mid-eat. They question this. Konata finds that when she heard it, some of the cookies didn't seems as tasty in her memory, and she's wondering if the one in her mouth is Kagami's, and she brings her eating to a nibble. Kagami objects.

how to spend summer vacation 1

It's almost time for summer vacation! Kagami lists the beach, the pool, and summer festivals, and asks if there are any must-do's out there. Konata's contribution: a twice-a-year festival in Ariake, the war-zone known as Comiket! Kagami is a little alarmed, and says that's only for her.

how to spend summer vacation 2

Well, there are all kinds of events for all kinds of people, such as going home for the holidays. Kagami asks Miyuki if there's something she usually does. Miyuki lets on that there's a plan to go overseas again. Kagami gets jealous of her "again"; they don't even go on domestic trips very often.

source of power

Kagami brings up Konata's place of work. She was wondering about it because she thought they only hired people with good figures and stuff. Konata lets on that although she'd been lamenting her lack of development up top, she found in one of her games that someone said that "the lack of breasts is a symbol of high status! It is rare!" and suchlike, which calls to mind that among certain people, this is more attractive than even a normal size, which means she's valuable. Kagami wonders how that could make her so confident. (I'd say it's because it reflects an attraction that actually exists.) Tsukasa wonders if that makes her valuable...

power of influence

Kagami asks Konata that with finals coming up, if she's all right playing games, and points out that if she channeled even a little bit of her gaming passion into studying, it would improve her grades significantly. Then she has a thought. What if a game that lauded studies came out? Would something incredible happen? There are "moe"-based vocabulary books...

no sense of awkwardness

Kagami brings up the subject of the rise in teenage crime. Konata notices that when they ask the neighbors, all of them say things like, "He was usually such a calm boy... he never seemed to be the type that would do that." Kagami figures that superficial personalities don't seem to be of any use... but also lets on that if Konata did something, she'd say that she thought she might do something like that.

never on vacation

In P.E., Konata and Tsukasa sweat out the downtime.

During lunch, Konata says it's so hot, she doesn't feel like doing anything, and they had P.E. on top of that. Kagami understands, but points out that she always has a reason for that.


Konata reads an issue of Comptiq. In honor of the 1st anniversary of its renewal, they're holding a summer Compfest! As a loyal reader, Konata finds something about it. Kagami asks why she's getting so emotional about it. (Okay, here's a nice picture of Konata's face:) Konata says that when the customers getting together and riling themselves up makes them feel as though they're doing their part to make the festival rowdy. Kagami wants her to point some of her passion towards school, noting that when she says "festival", it doesn't seem to help her be interested in the athletic or arts festivals.

In the end, Konata lets on that she did her best to think of what to present for the arts festival.

Next time: episode 11!

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