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Nyperold2011-07-12 13:35:25

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episode.25: Dweams

Miu wants to know what the others dreamed last night, and says she'll analyze them. She found out last week that she's a gifted dream analyzer. (I'd say "analyst", but whatever.) Chika wonders why she waited to say so. Nobue tries to remember if she had a dream. Miu thinks someone must have, and tries to... I don't even know... by saying that it sounds like "dweams" when you say it while pinching your nose. (Not in my experience, it doesn't. It sounds like that when someone says it when they haven't got the hang of "r"s yet, or when somebody's trying to say "dweams". I can't even hear a significant change when I pinch my nose and say "yume".) Chika looks from her Dragon Ball manga and says it's interesting, but doesn't help.

(The episode page is divided into nine parts. The upper right has a sleeping Matsuri. The middle right has the episode number. The lower right has a sleeping Ana with her teddy bear. Awww! The top middle has the night sky. The middle has Chika reading Dengeki Daioh. Or at least, I assume so, as Yotsuba is on the cover. The middle bottom has "Dweams" in it. The top left has Nobue smoking as she writes a report or something. The center left has a clock reading 10:07 in front of a picture of Satake. The lower left has Miu brushing her hair.)

It seems Nobue remembered it, or made something up. She warns Miu that it's not going to sound interesting. First, she has to lay a bit of groundwork by telling her what she was doing before going to bed. She was smoking, and then noticed that the ashtray was getting full. She went to bed without emptying it, deciding to put it off until the next day.

Well, in her dream, she did empty it. And that's it.

After a beat, Miu tells her to apologize. Nobue reminds her of her warning. Miu counters that she didn't say it was super lame. Nobue says it's not like she tried to dream it, and lets on that there was more.

In the dream, she was trying to have a celebratory smoke, so she put a cigarette in her mouth, put her lighter up to it, and... hold on...

(looks at the same panel at Mangafox)

"Crack crack crack"? Okay, I guess her cigarette is breaking up audibly.

Miu guesses that's interesting, or at least weird. She thinks it means you should at least obey the law in your dreams. (You know, the whole smoking-before-the-legal-age thing.) Nobue thinks it makes sense, but wants to know her future now. Miu seems to have forgotten that was what she was doing, but comes up with "Type A." (The one at Mangafox says "Blood Type A".) Nobue finds it... lacking.

Chika relates that she had "sleep paralysis", but is unsure, as it hadn't happened to her before. She was dreaming, so she didn't know if it was real or another part of the dream.

So here's Chika, sleeping. She finds Miu sitting on her. She asks what she's doing there, and says she can't move. Miu pokes her in the nose over her protests.

Chika relates that she struggled and struggled. She can't figure out why she dreamed it was Miu doing that. (Sounds in-character to me...) Miu figures it's because she was sitting on her stomach. Chika says, "Hold on! You...! Oh!" Miu doesn't know how to respond to "Oh!", and tells Chika to speak Japanese. Chika asks her to clarify if she is saying she was on top of her. Miu had apparently left her comic book (manga?), and when she went to get it, Chika was there. "To sit on." Chika can't believe her, breaking into her house and assaulting her. Miu grabs on to the "can't believe" part, and asks if Chika can be sure she can believe it, and posits that maybe she made that up. Chika guesses that it might be true. But then Miu insists that it was true. And promptly finds herself face-down on the floor.

Nobue asks Matsuri if she had a dream. She did, after having read "The Tortoise and the Hare".

In it, she wore a rabbit costume, and was set up to race a real tortoise. The starting pistol is fired, and they're off! Matsuri quickly gets ahead, but then turns around and crouches beside the tortoise to cheer it on. She sees a water and check point, and gets water for the tortoise. She taps on its shell, and when it looks, she indicates the water. It drinks through the straw, and turns into a goat. Matsuri rides the goat to the finish. They get a joint first place! A penguin courier delivers a letter to her, but the goat eats it. Nobue asks Miu for her analysis. Miu says it's highly Matsuri-ish. Chika asks if she knows what "analysis" means.

Nobue asks for Ana'a dream. Ana thinks...

In it, Ana calls for Sasazuka. When he arrives, she complains that the tea she has hasn't been fully chilled, and wants him to fetch her another. Sasazuka apologizes, and says he's just an intern. The director (Chika?) comes up to her and says they're ready for her on the set. Either she's been waiting a while, or she's just impatient. The director talks to her about the scene.

Walking away, you pause and look back at him. You call his name. Close-up on you. Your eyes shimmer with tears. Remember, it's the key scene of the picture and it all depends on you.

Ana aloofly says she won't need a rehearsal.

The scene begins. Ana and a random man are apparently playing warriors. She strikes him with her katana in passing him, and when he's injured but not fallen, she strikes him in the back. She sheathes it and tells him he'll be all right, as she used the dull side.

Scene over. (What happened to the stuff described before?) The director gushes, but Ana asks what he expected, and who he thinks he hired.

Sasazuka brings a fully chilled Mammoth, but Ana asks if he thought she wanted tea again. She sounds out "Calpis", and tells him to get her a Calpis, and asks if that's so hard.

("...Calpis? But it'll turn your hair white!" "...It will?" "If, after you said, 'This tea has not been fully chilled. Please fetch me another,' and I indeed bring you another, only for you to change your mind and act as if I made a mistake in not bringing you what you hadn't yet told me you wanted, then yes, it'll turn your hair white, for it will go on your head instead of down your throat!" Seriously, Dream!Ana is being a little female canid.)

Of course, Sasazuka apologizes and says he's just an intern.

In reality, Ana understandably claims she can't recall exactly, so gets a pass.

Finally, Nobue gets around to Miu herself.

A stack of papers is placed in front of her by a woman who resembles her real-life teacher. Apparently, Miu's the principal. She wears glasses and has a little mustache. She says it's not so much today. The rest of her dream consists of her stamping papers. Nobue asks if her dreams are always boring. But then Miu says there was more to it: when she woke up, she was on the floor. (The picture shows her on her belly with her mostly-covered lower left leg in bed.) Nobue's analysis is that she's a hyperactive sleeper, unless she dove to the floor on purpose...

Strawberry Sports

Nobue's in a kendo outfit, except her mehn is off (see episode 6, or look it up). She's defeated Miu, who's not wearing a mehn, or even a tenugui.

Next, archery. Nobue has the bow and arrow. The target? An apple on Miu's head. Chika seems to be rushing up to Miu to get her away from the situation.

Next time: episode 26!

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