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Live Blogs The HYBRID Experience 2.0
NorthRaider2010-12-18 06:10:33

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"Cardio & Outdoor Activities"

This is it. An episode I've actually never seen before. Now anything goes. Let's do this.

0:15 - Vince opens with the promise of making exercise not boring. I keep thinking that dummy is trying to warn me about something.

0:22 - Yet another credits change-up. This time we're looking at a park and listening to synth that actually sounds like something you'd hear in an aerobics video. Panning over a parking lot...

0:25 - Abrupt cut to a sidewalk at foot level. (They must not be paying Jeff enough.)

0:28 - Ruuun, Vincent, ruuuuuuuun! (Don't worry, he's not in danger. It's exercise.)

0:36 - I am not liking the time of day they chose to shoot this segment. It's almost dark, mere hours away from ominous. I keep feeling like something bad is going to happen soon.

0:42 - Prime Epileptic Tree material here: Why did he just look to his right while talking?

0:54 - Way to rock that Bored Apathetic Onlooker look, Evan. *chest bump* Respect.

0:58 - "All right, let's get this over with so we can go and do scary stuff."

1:03 - Somewhere underneath that baseball cap, thumbs up and silly grin a young boy is screaming, "Spear me."

1:07 - Trees! Think we haven't seen trees in a while. And they all come in that classic "Something In The Shadows Out To Get You" silhouette too.

1:10 - That's a sunbeam. Get a grip.

1:13 - There's something standing by that telephone pole in the distance! DON'T GO THAT WAY VINCE!

1:15 - What looks like a piece of black cloth sticking from behind that pole. And a distinct unearthly low buzzing noise. Are these guys blind? Is it Episode 6 yet?

1:26 - A full ten to twelve seconds of blotted-out Vince-Evan dialogue, thanks to the sound distortion. Now we'll never know the secret to making cardio fun! *sobs*

1:27 - A quick shot of more ominous trees. It has got to be just a few minutes away from dusk.

1:28 - That bay/harbor/big-body-of-water-looking-thing again. This location was a focal point even back in Episode One. That it's very close to the scary-looking trees must also be significant. This has to be where the guys first crossed paths with Slendy. (Well, this universe's Slendy.)

1:30 - Oh no, not this room again. Dontshowthedoordontshowthedoordontshowthedoor

1:31 - Yep.

1:35 - Silly Vince! You need gravity to run on an upright treadmill!

1:41 - Ahh, yes, the page image for the TV Tropes entry. (Now that I'm getting a better look at him, his head's shape seems to remind me vaguely of a Conehead for some reason. Also his tie looks like a very dark red or brown from my vantage point. What does fanon say again, that a red tie means he's just killed somebody?)

1:49 - That's the trouble with faceless beings. You can never tell who or what it is they're really staring at. Is he focusing his sights on Vince? On Jeff? On the camera? On us?

2:00 - I think that exercise bike is staring at me funny.

2:14 - OF COURSE. You turn out the lights and he's still visible. Also, what the hell are you doing filming in the dark, Jeff? Also, why is there still a minute and seven seconds of video left?

2:15 - Oh, it's not over yet. We cut to Evan in bed with a soda and really loud-colored sheets. And, oddly, a big box of granola bars.

2:21 - Sudden cut to Vince and Evan CAR PUSHING! And of course he's just standing there in the distance! Quick, Jeff! Hit the gas! (Wait a second, if Jeff's filming, then who's driving?!)

2:31 - Oh, this guy is.

2:35 - Right, Evan. You keep flexing those biceps and lulling us into a false sense of security by convincing us this is still a fitness vlog.

2:45 - Is he still in this shot? I can't tell. (Wait, there he is. Over to the upper right.)

2:49 - And then then car rolls away and the guys proceed to run after it in a comical fashion like in a Goofy cartoon.

3:12 - I think I can already tell what the souvenir is going to be.

3:17 - Yep. Tiny blank Slendy-esque doll.

3:22 - "America, everybody!"

3:24 - Fade to black for about seven seconds with muzak still playing in the background.

I bet you can already see where all this is going. Fortunately we still have about 29 episodes worth of plot left. I still can't help but find it peculiar (maybe even prescient?) that it's Evan who's "given" the doll though.

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