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Live Blogs How to cheat death at every opportunity! Let's Play Final Fantasy IV (Includes Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-)
SomeColorMage2011-07-09 21:56:49

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The Twin Mage's Trial

There's only one Lunar Eidolon left to take down, we're nearly at the end of this dungeon!

We're into Floors of Remembrance again. First one is within the Lunar Core. Not much interesting, although we do get a Megalixir.

Next floor is the peak of Mount Ordeals. Examining Kluya's gravestone gets us Caesar's Plate, the best armour (other than Adamant) for Cecil.

The next floor is the Mist Cave. Here we find the Mystic Whip, Rydia's best weapon.

The next floor is a trial, playing Palom and Porom's theme. Well, we knew it was gonna be these two this time anyway.

This trial starts us off with a door up in the air off the dungeon floor.

Palom: Whoa! What's with this huge slab!?

Porom: I don't think we can continue down this path.

Cecil tries to pull it down. Cecil, what's your Intellect score? Because Yang's is in the single digits and he could figure out that won't work!

Cecil: ...Ugh! It won't give at all...

Palom: Hey! There's something written over here!

Porom: Let me try to decipher it. "Into the narrow gate and beyond, two paths. Two must become one to overcome the trials they offer."

Cecil: The narrow gate?

Palom: I don't really get it, but I guess we should start looking for another way in.

Palom and Porom walk off in different directions.

Palom: Hey! This looks like an entrance! It looks like Porom found another entrance, too.

Cecil: It's too narrow for me to enter.

Porom: Hmm... It looks like Palom and I are the only ones who can squeeze through such a narrow space.

Palom: You can count on me! There's nothing in this world a prodigy like me can't do!

Porom: Wait a minute! Slow down. Remember what was written on the wall.

Cecil: ..."And beyond, two paths"...

Palom: That's easy! I'll take one path, and Porom will take the other.

Porom: Yes, I think that's the answer. The rest of you, please stay here until we return.

Palom: Too bad there's two entrances. This was supposed to be my chance to shine and be a hero...

Porom: Hush! Now come on! We have to get going!

Palom: I'm coming, I'm coming.

We start off with Palom. The door in his section is locked, but there is a button.

Palom: This looks like a switch. I wonder what'll happen if I press it. Huh? I guess it's not a switch after all.

We hear an unlocking noise.

Porom: ! How did the doors open? (Palom! Did you touch anything? The doors on this side just opened.)

Palom: Yeah, I pressed this switch... Oh I get it! The switches here open the doors on your side!

Porom: (apparently so. Then we must cooperate to continue down our paths.)

Palom: Right, Sis! I've got it all under control!

We can now switch between Palom and Porom at will. We switch to Porom and open Palom's door, then go through her door.

We now see tiles with status effect symbols on them. These tiles bestow that effect. We start by giving Porom Mini and Float and walked over some cracked tiles to press another switch.

Back to Palom. We see a toad go into a hole. which means we should give ourselves Toad and slip through that hole, I guess. We go through it. That gets us to the next switch. We then head into the next room and switch to Porom.

Porom can now also head for the next room. We see a hole someone in Mini could fit through, so we go in. Inside this next section is a Pig panel, and we have to use it for the door to the next room to open. We make sure to press the switch to open Palom's next door first. We then go to that room and step on a switch.

Porom: Something moved!

Back to Palom. Again. We go through the door. We need to use Mini to get to the next section. Which has a switch. Back to Porom and we go forward a bit through the now opened door. Another door that only opens to Pigs later, and we get to more cracked tiles that we can Float over. But we can't do anything else so we switch back to Palom.

Turns out the door he was stuck behind was a Pig door. We cast it on him and go to the next section. It also has a section we have to Float over, and then we turn into a Toad to get to the next button, allowing Porom to reach her next switch. We then proceed through a section we have to be a toad for to a green button.

Porom: Hm? Nothing's happening.

Once again, we return to Palom. He can now access a Mini tile to take him to another green button. Nothing happens here, either.

Palom: Huh? Nothing's happening here, either. Is this a dead end?

Porom: (Palom! How does it look over there?)

Palom: I pressed the last switch, but I don't think anything happened.

Porom: How odd... I pressed the last switch, too. What should we do?

Palom: ...Wait, I've got it! "Two must become one"... We have to do it at the same time!

Porom: The words on the wall... All right, let us try!

Palom: Ready, set...

Porom: Push!

They do it, and Cecil sees the door near him fall to ground level. The twins join him.

Porom: Sir Cecil!

Cecil: Are you two all right?

Palom: Of course! What do you take us for?

Porom: Yes, yes, you were a great help, Palom. But I hardly think it required a prodigy to make it through that challenge.

Cecil: Well, I for one am glad you two are all right. Let's keep going.

We proceed onwards to see an old man.

Palom: Wh-who are you!?

Lunar Leviathan: The true test... begins here!

Cecil: On your guard, everyone!

Lunar Leviathan is like Leviathan, but more powerful. There's really not much to say, other than hit him hard and don't stop with the Curaja casting. We get Summon Book LL afterwards.

Palom: Hah! Th-there's nothing I can't handle!

Porom: You sure about that? Or did I just imagine you struggling there for a bit...?

Cecil: You two have been a great help, as always.

Palom: I know!

Porom: Remind me to teach you the meaning of the word "modesty"...

Lunar Leviathan dropped on the ground the Twin Stars and another Twin Stars. That's all for this trial, let's get outta here.

With the Twin Stars equipped on both Palom and Porom, they can now cast Twin Meteor when using Twincast. Might be nice, but I can think of better things to do with Porom's turns.

Next time, the last challenges of the Red Moon. Or some of them, anyway.


Kain: Lv 79 HP:6302 MP:0 Strength:97 Speed:65 Stamina:79 Intellect:16 Spirit:56 Attack:255 (17 attacks) Defence:102 Magic Defence:35

        Palom: Lv 79 HP:3759 MP:635 Strength:33 Speed:48 Stamina:45 Intellect:99 Spirit:41 Attack:102 (8 attacks) Defence:72 Magic Defence:66

Cecil: Lv 78 HP:6599 MP:362 Strength:99 Speed:62 Stamina:92 Intellect:39 Spirit:66 Attack:255 (16 attacks) Defence:107 Magic Defence:33

        Porom: Lv 79 HP:3474 MP:628 Strength:22 Speed:47 Stamina:40 Intellect:21 Spirit:97 Attack:74 (5 attacks) Defence:72 Magic Defence:62

Cid: Lv 75 HP:7791 MP:0 Strength:99 Speed:38 Stamina:99 Intellect:30 Spirit:36 Attack:255 (15 attacks) Defence:105 Magic Defence:25

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