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Let's Attempt to Watch: Pooh's Adventures of Pajama Sam
You just have to marvel at these Pooh Adventure vids. They're almost Zen in that it must have taken so much time and effort to splice all this footage together, and yet the end result shows a complete LACK of effort.
For some reason, I got really giddy when you potholed a trope that I made.

It's stupid, I know, but I figured it was worth mentioning.
And I think that "random cartoon character" was from the same cartoon as the Mc Donalds mascots.

Long story short, the guys who animated Rugrats made like six tapes for the company, and they were pretty popular.
Wouldn't it be less trouble, and more legal to turn this into a text fanfiction? It would still be terrible, but easier. And since this person can't be bothered to make their own characters and plot, I would think they'd go for easy.
Odd that the stairs don't talk, when everything else in the house does.