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PageAction: AWorldwidePunomenon
13th Apr '12 7:01:37 PM

Crown Description:

A Worldwide Punomenon currently has a very unclear description and is being misused as a Pothole Magnet for puns, and the examples list is mostly "this work used a pun".
   12 (Yeas:13 Nays:1) 13.00 : 1
Create a supertrope Puns or Pun (defining what a pun is), and create World of Pun and redirect A Worldwide Punomenon to that.
   3 (Yeas:5 Nays:2) 2.50 : 1
Create a supertrope Puns or Pun (defining what a pun is), and redirect A Worldwide Punomenon to that.
   -1 (Yeas:3 Nays:4)
Redefine A Worldwide Punomenon to be about pun-heavy works ("world of pun").
   -2 (Yeas:3 Nays:5)
   -5 (Yeas:1 Nays:6)
   -6 (Yeas:2 Nays:8)
Cut A Worldwide Punomenon.

Cons: 908 inbounds.