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Context YMMV / BrokenBlossoms

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1* FairForItsDay: Despite the YellowFace and the racial slurs, Chen Huan (and the Chinese community in London generally) is depicted positively. And of course Chen is the hero of the story.
2* HilariousInHindsight: [[Film/TheShining "HERE'S BATTLING BURROWS!"]]
3* MoralEventHorizon: If Lucy’s already [[AbusiveParents abusive and cruel father]] Battling Burrows hadn’t crossed it earlier, he definitely has when [[spoiler: he [[OffingTheOffspring beats Lucy until she dies.]]]]
4* SignatureScene: The "closet" scene, which involves Lucy locking herself in a closet to hide from her raging father.
5* SpecialEffectsFailure: In the "closet" scene, it's painfully obvious that the hatchet is being held backwards so that the blunt end rather than the sharp end is hitting the wood.
6* ValuesDissonance:
7** Though he is an unambiguous hero, Chen is mostly referred to, even in narration, as a "Chink", or a "Yellow Man".
8** It's not mentioned in the narrative but Lucy is supposed to be fifteen while Chen is obviously older. Lucy's abusive father isn't concerned that his teenage daughter is hanging around a twenty-something year old, only that he's Chinese.
9* ValuesResonance: All told, this film comes about as close to having an anti-racist message as you could reasonably expect for a film from 1919.
10* TheWoobie:
11** Lucy in all her life was a servant to her abusive father. When she does her [[TheUnSmile un-smile]], the narration notes that she never had a reason to smile genuinely. When she finally meets a man who's nice to her, [[spoiler:she's murdered by her father because of it.]]
