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Context Quotes / MegaTokyo

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1-->[71] '''Erika''': Did you sleep with the producer?\
2'''Kimiko''': No. I did not.\
3'''Erika''': Do you need me to?\
4'''Kimiko''': No.\
5'''Erika''': Well, that's a shame.
7-->[202] '''Kimiko''': Besides, I figure if I make the dress real hard to get out of, it'll keep you out of trouble.
9-->[380] '''Masamichi''': Your actions constitute severe violations of many local ordinances and national laws... Not to mention several international treaties and the Android Rights Act of 1978. Ever consider a career in cataclysm management? Lemme buy you a beer.\
10'''Largo''': A beer? Can I get more than one?
12-->[392] '''Miho''': I wasn't aware the Tokyo Police employed uneducated, paranoid, delusional foreign delinquents.\
13'''Largo''': In my case, they made an exception.
15-->[428] '''Piro''': You're that... you're... a girl??\
16'''Miho''': Last time I checked, yes.
18-->[454] '''Piro''': 'Culture shock'. Now that's an explanation for Largo's behavior I haven't heard before.\
19'''Erika''': It's almost like a cry for help.
21-->[584] '''Erika''': This is my life. My game. My rules. If you want to be a part of it, you will respect that.
23-->[592] '''Junko''': I'm sorry, my English isn't creative enough to translate that.
25-->[599] '''Miho''': You can't tell people what choices to make, Ping. Life is kinda sad that way.
27-->[639] '''Head Ninja''': No dishonor, but this "L33t Master" is total nutjob.\
28'''Junpei''': Path to enlightenment can make enlightened ones complex and misunderstood, Head Ninja.
30-->[674] '''Junpei''': Ninja live by code of honor. Magical girl live by code of love. This lead to many disaster and much destruction of urban area. Honor much safer.
32-->[819] '''Ed''': The real thing! I... I think I feel it... Yes! I can!! I'm feeling... ph34r!! This is ph34r! Yes!! That must be what this is!! I need bigger guns!! Don't move!! I'll be back!!
34-->[834] '''Largo''': There are many kinds of wounds. But to take damage from someone you trust... Betrayal is the deepest wound of all.
36-->[=[=][[ 1599]][=]=] '''Largo:''' Do not compress the loaded nine-tail!!
40->"''Oh dear. If you think this is the front of the book, you have been reading an unhealthy amount of {{manga}}. MEGATOKYO was [[ForeignersWriteBackwards originally done in English]], so be a good dear and turn the book over and start from the other side.''"
