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Context PlayingWith / TrappedInAnotherWorld

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1'''Basic Trope''': Ordinary person gets transported to another, fantastic realm.
2* '''Straight''': [[TheHero Kenta]], an OrdinaryHighSchoolStudent, finds his RealLife world turned into the MedievalEuropeanFantasy world (with a side of {{Wutai}}) of [[LionsAndTigersAndHumansOhMy Arizelle]].
3* '''Exaggerated''': Kenta finds himself transported to different fantastic realms on an hourly basis.
4* '''Downplayed''': Kenta finds himself in an AlternateUniverse, marginally but noticeably different from his own.
5* '''Justified''': An experiment from the villainous organization ADEC kidnapped people from other worlds into their own world.
6* '''Inverted''':
7** It turns out that the world was originally Arizelle, and ADEC turned it into the RealLife world.
8** Flics, a wizard from the magical world of Arizelle, [[MageInManhattan gets stuck in Manhattan]].
9** Kenta travels to other worlds regularly, but at some point becomes trapped in his ''own'' world.
10** Kenta finds his mind unpredictably shunted between two worlds with no apparent time passing in the gaps between often with jarring timing like in the middle of a sword fight to a math test and back again.
11** Kenta enters Arizelle willingly. He can go back home whenever he wants.
12* '''Subverted''': Kenta ''thinks'' that he's ended up in some other world, but is actually on an unknowing JourneyToTheCenterOfTheMind.
13* '''Double Subverted''': ...But once he emerges from his mind, he finds out he's stuck in a strange, unrecognizable land.
14* '''Parodied''':
15** "Aw, damn." Kenta said. "On Monday, it was the mirror sucking me in. [[ButForMeItWasTuesday Today]] it's a dimensional rift in my closet..."
16** Arizelle is half [[TakeThat satire of the genre as inhabitants are pissed off at the constant flood of]] entitled {{NEET}}s mooching, lazing around, and [[AccidentalPervert a worrying tendency of walking in on women in compromising situations]] at best or serial sexual harassers at worst. The other half closer to playing straight [[AnAesop aesop involves trying to get those freeloaders to try and contribute in everyday work and the importance of unglamorous jobs.]]
17* '''Zig Zagged''': Kenta opens up that forbidden door in the basement and ends up in a strange world. But there's something ''familiar'' about the place, despite the strangeness. Furthermore, he always felt like an outsider in his "real" world while this world makes a strange kind of sense. There's also this rumor about a lost kid, and the dates match up to the day he was found by the cops without a family...Does he really belong in the world he came from, or is the strange place his ''real'' home?
18* '''Averted''': The adventure takes place in the same reality as the protagonist.
19* '''Enforced''': "No one's gonna believe this stuff could happen in our world. Pitch him down a rabbit hole or something!"
20* '''Lampshaded''': "Hey! How'd I get here? (looks around) Aw, hell. Now I'm gonna have to find a way back."
21* '''Invoked''': Somebody in the other world cast SummonEverymanHero.
22* '''Exploited''': Kenta's GenreSavvy enough to take advantage of Strange World's rules and take it over.
23* '''Defied''':
24** Kenta acquires some kind of device, relic or knowledge that allows him to close inter-dimensional portals; he's way too comfortable in his own dimension to risk himself getting caught in one of those annoying psychedelic vortexes!
25** ''Upon entering the Rift, I noticed the place was filled with fantasy cliché's. [[ScrewThisImOuttaHere I turned on my heel and walked out]].''
26* '''Discussed''': "Kenta, ever notice no one comes to this reality ''willingly?!''"
27* '''Conversed''': "Ladies and gentlemen, fellow Tropers, ever notice how the tropes that gave us Wonderland and Oz become the gifts that keep on giving?"
28* '''Deconstructed''':
29** Unaware and unfamiliar with the new world's customs, Kenta keeps digging himself deeper while struggling to adapt to the situation. Since most people are unaware that he's a FishOutOfTemporalWater -- and those who do learn of this tend to think he's just plain nuts -- he finds precious little empathy, making it even harder for him to survive.
30** Since no one knows or cares about Kenta since he literally appeared out of nowhere, this gives certain morally dubious elements an easy target to abduct right off the street for nefarious purposes (abuse, torture, enslavement, unethical experimentation, etc.)
31** Conversely, some ill-intentioned individual could have purposefully yanked him (and possibly a lot of other people) from his world without his knowledge or prior consent for the express purpose of the directly above, or to be an unwilling soldier forced to fight for a cause that doesn't concern him.
32** Being utterly convinced he's in some kind of WishFulfillment PowerFantasy, [[FakeUltimateHero Kenta]] causes no end of problems that no sane or intelligent person would because he can't be bothered to think for five minutes. Provided there's some kind of antagonist or destructive conflict, [[DestructiveSavior he might even cause more damage to the world around him than the bad guys or negative periodic occurrences themselves.]]
33** The world Kenta is transported to has entirely different physical laws, which proceed to tear him apart.
34** The method by which Kenta is summoned draws the attention of earth-based entities and provides clues that lead towards the discovery of dimensional travel. [[OutsideContextProblem Arizelle is subsequently visited/colonized/economically dominated by Earth]].
35** The alternate universe [[HumansAreCthulhu can't comprehend humans]], making Kenta an EldritchAbomination.
36** It was purely coincidental that Kenta ended up in Arizelle instead of any other world. There is no way for him to retrace his path back to his own world, and any attempt to return home would probably just leave him stuck in a different world.
37** Kenta winds up getting very sick from arrival to a world his body has absolutely no immunity to. If he dies he may spawn an outbreak. [[TyphoidMary If he survives he will become a walking pandemic who appears to not be sick with the new disease at least]].
38* '''Reconstructed''':
39** The massive difficulties he faces make it all the better when Kenta manages to survive, adapt and endure.
40** The invading humans are blindsided by Arizelle's [[OutsideContextProblem magic and monsters]], meaning that the natives are at a MutualDisadvantage with the [[HigherTechSpecies technologically-advanced]] [[UnSorcerer but magic-poor humans]]. [[EnemyCivilWar Countermeasures by other nations curbs the more warlike aspects of each world]], which leads to an uneasy peace, trade, and [[{{Magitek}} unprecedented advancements for both]].
41* '''Played For Laughs''':
42** Kenta, TheCynic who thinks [[SillyRabbitIdealismIsForKids Idealism Is For Kids]], winds up in a SugarBowl.
43** Kenta is a TotallyRadical SurferDude who ends up in a MedievalEuropeanFantasy kingdom. HilarityEnsues.
44** A [[CrossesTheLineTwice hilariously evil]] SuperVillain is trapped in the SugarBowl.
45* '''Played For Drama''':
46** (verge of tears) "I wanna go home. I hate it here."
47** Kenta ends up siding with the villains in exchange for a quick return home.
48** Kenta becomes a DeathSeeker or is DrivenToSuicide.
49* '''Played For Horror''': Arizelle is a merciless, cruel, CrapsackWorld. It is so bad that the earth life of an average ChildSoldier would be a sizeable improvement, given the cruelty of nature and [[GodAndSatanAreBothJerks gods]] let alone [[HumansAreBastards its]] [[AliensAreBastards inhabitants]]. [[ParanoiaFuel Anyone no matter how unprepared or vulnerable could vanish without a trace to be dropped off to this hell at any moment.]]
50* '''Implied''': Merchant Lord Kenta was mentioned to have appeared mysteriously and have strange mannerisms. He has strange modes of thought that enable him to drive a OneManIndustrialRevolution. He is either a genius far ahead of his time or from another world and using advanced knowledge.
52Back to TrappedInAnotherWorld.
54%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
