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1'''Basic Trope''': A character tries to escape from his misdeed by paying the victims.
2* '''Straight''': John kills Jack and throws his widow and children some money.
3* '''Exaggerated''':
4** John budgets money for widows and orphans and throws fits when any of them repulse it.
5** RetiredMonster
6* '''Downplayed''': John beats Jack up and pays his medical bill.
7* '''Justified''':
8** Poor people will have a serious difficulty doing anything to people as powerful as John, and he can delude himself about the value of the money.
9** Paying ''wergild'' is standard practice in the setting, or at least in John's culture such that he '''thinks''' it's OK.
10* '''Inverted''':
11** John robs the widow and children, figuring he's already evil.
12** Jack's widow demands that John pay for his crime... preferably in small, unmarked bills.
13* '''Subverted''': John genuinely had to kill Jack, and gave the money out of pity.
14* '''Double Subverted''': It was self-defense, but only because he had driven Jack out of his head with previous cruelties.
15* '''Parodied''': John robs a bank and then pays off the cops that show up with the money he just stole from it.
16* '''Zig Zagged''': ???
17* '''Averted''': John kills Jack and doesn’t try to pay anyone off.
18* '''Enforced''': ???
19* '''Lampshaded''': ???
20* '''Invoked''': ???
21* '''Exploited''': ???
22* '''Defied''':
23** John carries nothing of value on his person so that he isn't tempted to pay off his victims.
24** John kills Jack and ties to pay Jill off. Jill shoots him instead.
25* '''Discussed''': ???
26* '''Conversed''': ???
27* '''Deconstructed''':
28** The widow and children are further insulted by his attempts to pay them off with such a shallow gesture and seek to exact revenge for the crime and his dismissal of their grief.
29** John is a broken and tragic individual who genuinely can only see value in terms of money, and absoulely nothing else.
30* '''Reconstructed''': John offers them such an impressive bribe that it derails their revenge.
32Sorry I killed your father. Here, take this link back to BuyThemOff, and forget about this, alright?
34%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
36%%* '''Implied''': ???
37%%* '''Plotted A Good Waste''': ???
38%%* '''Played For Laughs''': ???
