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Context Manga / MobileSuitGundamSeedDestinyTheEdge

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1''Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny: The Edge'' is a manga series by [[Creator/ChimakiKuori Chimaki Kuori]], depicting the events of ''Anime/MobileSuitGundamSEEDDestiny'' through the POV of Athrun Zala.
3A sequel of sorts, ''Desire'', was later released. It consists of various events in the series as seen from the perspectives of other characters. Some chapters also look at the [[HowWeGotHere backstories of various characters.]]
5!!Besides many tropes found in [[Anime/MobileSuitGundamSeedDestiny Gundam SEED Destiny]], the series also has examples of:
7* AdaptationalAttractiveness: Due to the difference in art style.
8* AdaptationalBadass: Both of Shinn’s Destiny VS Infinite Justice battles against Athrun has him put up a ''much'' better fight compared to the anime.
9** The battle in Orb during Operation Fury had Shinn ‘’win’’ against the recovering Athrun. [[CurbStompCushion He still destroys the Destiny Gundam’s Arondight]] but succumbs to his injuries and passes out from Shinn’s assault rather than defeating Shinn and passing out later.
10** Athrun still defeats Shinn as per canon but [[CurbStompCushion Shinn manages to slice off the Infinite Justice’s arm]] which is much better than the canon battle where the Infinite Justice practically takes no damage. Prior to their battle, Shinn manages to destroy the METEOR unit the Infinite Justice was equipped with.
11* AdaptationalJerkass: Durandal is a lot more ObviouslyEvil compared to the anime. When he orders ZAFT to detain Athrun, the soldiers are given orders to shoot him on sight with no regards to Meer being at risk of being shot. When Durandal reveals the Legend and Destiny to Athrun and Shinn, he had Rey hidden away with a rifle ahead of time.
12* AdaptationalNiceGuy: Athrun is a lot more understanding to Shinn, even apologizing for hitting him after shooting down the Freedom.
13%%* AdaptationDistillation
14* AllThereInTheManual: The series implicitly assumes that the reader has watched the anime.
15** The series also serves as the manual for the anime.
16* CutAndPasteEnvironments: If the event involves many characters who received their own POV chapters, you can expect some scenes to look VERY familiar.
17* AFatherToHisMen: Yzak. He's a little young, but definitely shows signs of the trope.
18* TheFaceless: The two times the reader gets to see Meer's original looks, her eyes are not drawn in.
19* HiddenDepths: Almost everyone who gets a POV chapter for himself/herself. Even Meer.
20* InnerMonologue: A given, as the series focuses heavily on the thoughts and intentions of the POV characters.
