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1Tropes about plots that involve a will and general inheritance drama.
5* AncestralWeapon: Receiving a weapon once carried by an ancestor.
6* DisinheritedChild: A descendant of the deceased was specifically disinherited.
7* ForgingTheWill: A will's contents have been tampered with.
8* GameBetweenHeirs: The inheritance is left up to a game or puzzle.
9* {{Greed}}: A not-uncommon motivator toward an inheritance.
10* HeirClubForMen: There must always be a male heir.
11* HeirInLaw: Inheriting a title via your spouse.
12* HiddenBackupPrince: A member of the royal family is raised as a commoner and has to step up if the entire family is wiped out.
13* IfYouDieICallYourStuff: Making a claim of one's possessions when they're about to do something extremely risky.
14* ImDyingPleaseTakeMyMacGuffin: A minor character hands the McGuffin to the heroes as he lays dying.
15* InadequateInheritor: The rightful heir is thought unfit for the prospective inheritance.
16* InheritanceBacklash: When something undesirable is left behind after its original owner died.
17* InheritanceMurder: Triggering an inheritance early by means of murder.
18* InsurrectionistInheritor: The worthy heir is the one who rebelled against, stood up to or even tried to kill the deceased.
19* LegacyCharacter: A character whose identity is passed down to them from an older character in the form of a title, job or persona for the newer character to assume.
20* LineageLadder: A character may invoke a repetition of ancestors to justify inheritance, because if they don't inherit it, it'll break an established pattern.
21* LostWillAndTestament: The recently deceased's will is missing for some reason.
22* NotaryNonsense: Notarizing these types of documents adds significant legitimacy and can help to avert many of these tropes. Either for RuleOfDrama or [[RuleOfFunny Funny]] in fiction, expect unrealistic depictions of notaries.
23* OnOneCondition: A condition must be fulfilled in order to obtain the inheritance.
24* OnlyCaresAboutInheritance: A character cares more inheritance than someone's death.
25* PassedOverInheritance: The deceased leaves his belongings not to his closest family, but someone completely unexpected and usually not related.
26* PersonalEffectsReveal: Going through the belongings of the recently deceased.
27* PetHeir: A pet inherits a large fortune.
28* APlotInDeed: The deed to a plot of land, often inherited from a will, serving as a {{MacGuffin}}.
29* PrestigePeril: Watch out if you get that prominent's a death sentence.
30* RebelPrince: He does or wants to reject his royal inheritance.
31* RejectingTheInheritance: A character refuses their inheritance.
32* RoyaltiesHeir: Someone is rich because a family member invented something profitable and well-known.
33* SiblingsShareTheThrone: No spares, just multiple heirs.
34* SillyWill: The bequests and conditions of the will are nonsense, made to screw around with the heirs.
35* SpareToTheThrone: A second child, usually unprepared, set to inherit in case the firstborn is killed.
36* SpitefulWill: Using your will as a final middle finger to your relatives (or at least anyone you disliked in life who you anticipate will be present at your funeral).
37* SuckSessor: A successor who seems better than the old guy at first, but then proves to be worse.
38* TaxmanTakesTheWinnings: A character receives a large sum of money, only for almost all of it to go to taxes.
39* {{Tontine}}: A group of people take one or more collectively owned items of worth and put it in trust. The last surviving member of the group will then receive the items.
40* UnexpectedInheritance: An inheritance coming out of nowhere, usually from a family member who wasn't very close.
41* UnexpectedSuccessor: A heir to the throne no one expected or trained to rule.
42* VideoWills: Leaving a parting message in the form of a recording.
43* WhereTheresAWillTheresAStickyNote: The will is not made in the form of a legal document but in a much more casual fashion.
44* TheWrongfulHeirToTheThrone: The person next in line to inherit is completely wrong for the job.
