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1{{Immortality}} and the cheating of {{death|Tropes}} in all its forms.
3Also see AfterlifeTropes, RebirthAndReincarnationTropes, ResurrectionTropes, and UndeadIndex.
9+ ImmortalityWorks
11* '''{{Immortality}}''' (super-trope)
12* AgeWithoutYouth: An immortal being who still ages.
13* TheAgeless: A being who never ages.
14* AncientEvil: An evil being that's been alive long before any human lifetime.
15* BloodBath: Bathing in blood in order to obtain immortality or cure ills.
16* BodyBackupDrive: A character dies and transfers their soul into a new body.
17* BornAgainImmortality: A character dies and is reborn as a baby.
18* CompleteImmortality: A character cannot be killed in any way.
19* ContractualImmortality: You know this character won't die because they're alive in the sequel.
20* DeathlessAndDebauched: Immortal characters just can't seem to resist hedonism.
21* ElderlyImmortal: An immortal being who was already elderly when they first became immortal.
22* ElixirOfLife: A substance that grants a person eternal life/youth.
23* EternalHero: A hero who continuously appears in the world throughout the ages.
24* EternalLove: Two immortals are in love and have been together for centuries.
25* EternalVillain: A villain who continuously appears in the world throughout the ages.
26* ExpositionOfImmortality: An immortal being presents proof of their immortality.
27* TheFogOfAges: Immortal character doesn't remember everything they've experienced.
28* FountainOfYouth: Living longer by making yourself younger.
29* GameplayAllyImmortality: Video game allies can't die during gameplay.
30* ImmortalApathy: Immortal beings have a difficult time empathizing with mortals.
31* ImmortalAssassin: A killer who can't be killed himself.
32* ImmortalBreaker: A weapon that can kill someone who is immortal.
33* ImmortalGenius: An immortal character who seems to know everything worth knowing.
34* ImmortalHero: Heroes never die in the story, unlike villains.
35* ImmortalImmaturity: When an immortal being doesn't act their age.
36* ImmortalProcreationClause: Immortal beings can't/or don't need to reproduce.
37* ImmortalLifeIsCheap: Character can't die, so the other characters don't have to worry about seriously injuring him.
38* ImmortalRuler: A ruler of a land who will never die.
39* ImmortalityBeginsAtTwenty: An immortal ages normally until a certain age and they stay looking that age forever.
40* ImmortalityBisexuality: The tendency for immortals to also be bisexual.
41* ImmortalityField: A place where nothing can die.
42* ImmortalityHurts: When being able to live forever doesn't make you immune to pain.
43* ImmortalityImmorality: Seeking immortality is portrayed in a negative light.
44* ImmortalityInducer: An item that grants a character eternal life.
45* ImmortalityPromiscuity: Immortals have an active sex life.
46* ImmortalitySeeker: Someone who desires to become immortal.
47* ImmortalsFearDeath: Despite being functionally immortal, these characters still fear the idea of death.
48* InconspicuousImmortal: An immortal character with a deliberately simple, undramatic lifestyle.
49* JuliusBeethovenDaVinci: It's established that multiple historical figures were actually the aliases of an immortal being.
50* LifeDrinker: A being who gains immortality by draining the life force out of other beings.
51* LivingDistantAncestor: An ancient character who is alive at the same time as their descendants.
52* LivingForeverIsAwesome: An immortal who enjoys being unable to die.
53* LivingForeverIsNoBigDeal: An immortal who sees neither an upside nor a downside to living forever.
54* LivingArk: A being who contains collective knowledge of a civilization, people, or way of life that have long since faded away.
55* LivingRelic: A piece of ancient history manages to be alive in the present.
56* LongLived: They have lived for a long time, but can still die.
57* LongevityTreatment: A medical treatment that extends one's life span.
58* MayflyDecemberFriendship: Friendship between an immortal and a mortal.
59* MayflyDecemberRomance: Romance between an immortal and a mortal.
60* MyGrandsonMyself: An immortal passes themselves off as their own descendant.
61* NeverGrewUp: An immortal being who never grows older and stays a child.
62* NoImmortalInertia: A being losing their immortality results in them quickly aging to their true age.
63* NotGrowingUpSucks: An immortal unable to grow older is unhappy that they'll be a child forever.
64* TheOlderImmortal: There are multiple immortals running around and they're not all the same age, sometimes not even close.
65* ParasiticImmortality: A person prolongs their life by jumping from one body to another.
66* ParentInducedExtendedChildhood: A child is deliberately prevented from growing up by an obsessive parent, sometimes to the point of halting the aging process.
67* ProportionalAging: Long-lived races have a proportionally long life cycle.
68* PurposeDrivenImmortality: Who's got time to die when there's still work to be done?
69* ReallySevenHundredYearsOld: A character looks young despite being much, much older.
70* ResurrectionDeathLoop: A character is stuck -- temporarily or permanently -- in a traumatizing cycle of death and resurrection.
71* ResurrectiveImmortality: A being who can get killed, but will keep coming back to life every time that happens.
72* SerpentOfImmortality: Animal symbolism surrounding immortality and eternity often references serpents.
73* ShapeshifterLongevity: Shapeshifters live longer, or even forever.
74* SharedLifeEnergy: When one person is saved from death by other person sharing their literal life force.
75* SocietyOfImmortals: A species or civilization whose members are all immortal.
76* TimeAbyss: Someone is older than all recorded history.
77* TokenImmortal: A member of a group who possesses immortality.
78* UndyingWarrior: An immortal devoted to a military or martial lifestyle.
79* WizardsLiveLonger: A supernatural ability can actively or passively extend a user's life.
80* WhoWantsToLiveForever: An immortal being who considers their inability to die a curse.
81* YouCantKillWhatsAlreadyDead: Undead beings have a degree of durability to injury.
