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2 [[caption-width-right:350:OOF!]]
3Any tropes involving boxing, fists or fistfights. A sub-index of CombatTropes, related to HandTropes and FightScene. See also IndexJustForKicks and ThisIndexSlaps
8Related To:
9+ CombatTropes
10+ HandTropes
11+ FightScene
14* AngryFistShake
15* BoxingBattler: Professional boxing is as much efficient as a fighting method than almost anything in the setting.
16* TheBoxingEpisode
17* BoxingLesson: A victim of bullying learns self-defense in order to protect themselves.
18* BoxingLessonsForSuperman: A DifferentlyPoweredIndividual learns Muggle techniques to improve their abilities.
19* CasualtyInTheRing: Professional fighter dies or is crippled in the ring.
20* CeilingSmash: A character is punched upward by their opponent, causing them to smash against the ceiling and then the floor.
21* CrossCounter: Two fighters land punches. Simultaneously.
22* DrunkenBoxing: A traditional Chinese martial art that imitates a drunkard to make one's movements unpredictable. In fiction, usually used by tricksters.
23* ElementalPunch: Charging a physical attack with Elemental Powers.
24* EnhancedPunch
25* ExplosivePunch
26* FisticuffsBoss: A boss you must fight unarmed.
27* FistOfRage
28* FistPump
29* GlovedFistOfDoom
30* GoodOldFisticuffs: Your average Joe can beat up people with just his streetwise, unwavering two fists.
31* GroundPunch
32* HeyYouHaymaker
33* InvulnerableKnuckles: You can punch anything you want; you won't hurt your fists!
34* MeetMyGoodFriendsLeftyAndRighty: These fists have names.
35* MegatonPunch: A punch that sends the receiver flying.
36* MyFistForgivesYou: Punching someone as a way of forgiving them.
37* NeverBringAKnifeToAFistfight
38* PalmFistTap
39* PowerFist: Weapon that improves punches.
40* PummelDuel
41* PunchAWall
42* PunchCatch
43* PunchParry
44* PunchPunchPunchUhOh: Character punched many times with almost no effect.
45* PunchedAcrossTheRoom
46* RapidFireFisticuffs
47* RazorSharpHand: A person's hands are deadly and sharp weapons.
48* RocketPunch
49* RedBoxingGloves
50* SensingYouAreOutmatched
51* SettleItWithoutWeapons
52* {{Shoryuken}}
53* TalkToTheFist
54* ThrowingTheFight: Being paid to lose a game or a match.
57Sometimes DentedIron may fall into this category, and lead to CrackOhMyBack.
59Tropes that have such words in the title, but not as much to do with actual fistfighting.
60* BrokeYourArmPunchingOutCthulhu
61* DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu
62* LoveAtFirstPunch
63* PunchClockHero
64* PlayerPunch
65* SorryIFellOnYourFist
