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1Tropes about skills and all the varied and weird ways in which they are learned.
3Compare SchoolTropes (for learning skills), LevelsAndExperienceTropes.
8+ ThisIndexKnowsWhatItsTalkingAbout (for knowledgable people)
9+ MasterOfTheIndex (for people who are good at what they do)
11'''What You Know:'''
12* AdaptationalSkill: A skill a character didn't have in a previous adaptation.
13* AdaptationalWeaponSwap: A character has a different weapon in an adaptation.
14* AllAccessibleMagic: Anyone can learn how to use magic.
15* AlwaysKnowAPilot
16* BecomingTheBoast
17* BoxingLessonsForSuperman: A superpowered character learns mundane fighting techniques.
18* BrickBreak: Martial artists break bricks with their bare hands.
19* CharlesAtlasSuperpower: Superhuman abilities through mundane training.
20* ChekhovsSkill: A new skill becomes a ChekhovsGun.
21* ClownSchool
22* DemolitionsExpert
23* EmotionSuppression: Someone suppresses or erases their emotions with drugs, special training or other phlebotinum.
24* EnlightenmentSuperpowers: Superpowers are available to anyone who achieves the necessary level of spiritual enlightenment.
25* FantasticFightingStyle
26* FightingFingerprint: Fighting style exposes a Secret Identity.
27* FluffyTamer
28** DragonTamer
29* GentleTouchVsFirmHand
30* TheGreatestStyle
31* IKnowMaddenKombat: Fighting styles based on non-combat sports.
32* IKnowMortalKombat: Fighting styles based on videogames.
33** IDontKnowMortalKombat
34* KiManipulation
35* LookWhatICanDoNow
36* MasterOfYourDomain: Can control everything related to one's body.
37* TheMedic
38* MeditationPowerup
39* MyKungFuIsStrongerThanYours
40* NewAbilityAddiction
41* LeParkour
42* ThePowerOfActing: Acting treated as a superpower.
43* SkillScoresAndPerks
44* StrongAndSkilled
45* SuddenlyAlwaysKnewThat
46* SwitchOutMove
47* UniqueProtagonistAsset
48'''How You Learn It'''
49* CrazyPrepared
50* CrisisMakesPerfect
51* DeadlyTrainingArea
52* DieOrFly: Dormant superpowers come to light under extreme circumstances.
53* DontThinkFeel: An EleventhHourSuperpower is unlocked by feeling.
54* DumbassNoMore: TheDitz suddenly becomes smart.
55* HADToBeSharp
56* HandsOnApproach
57* HardWorkFallacy
58* HowDoIShotWeb
59* INeedYouStronger
60* ImposedHandicapTraining
61* ImprovisedTraining
62* IncompletelyTrained
63* KingpinInHisGym
64* LearningToRideABike: Children riding a bike for the first time as a plot point.
65* ALessonInDefeat
66* LotusPosition
67** LevitatingLotusPosition
68* AMasterMakesTheirOwnTools
69* MeditatingUnderAWaterfall
70* MentorArchetype: Their role is to introduce a new skill or sharpen the current skills of their student.
71* MoneyIsExperiencePoints
72* OutclassedAtTheGym
73* PhysicalFitnessPunishment
74* PowerfulButIncompetent: A character whose raw power is useless because they lack intelligence.
75* PrisonsAreGymnasiums
76* RawEggsMakeYouStronger
77* RivalDojos: A pair of rival schools of martial arts, run by a pair of masters who have been feuding for years.
78* ShootingLessonsFromYourParents
79* SimulatedUrbanCombatArea
80* SinkOrSwimMentor: This mentor won't go easy on you just because you're a novice.
81* TheSpartanWay
82* SuperFlyReflexes
83* SuperSwimmingSkills
84* TalentVsTraining
85* TalentedButTrained
86* TaughtByExperience
87* TaughtByTelevision
88* TeachMeHowToFight
89* TechPoints
90* TimeToUnlockMoreTruePotential
91* TookALevelInBadass
92* TraineeFromHell
93* TrainingFromHell
94* TrainingMontage
95* TrainingTheGiftOfMagic
96* TrainingThePet: A plot focusing on training an unruly pet.
97* UltimateFinalExam
98* UncertifiedExpert: An expert or veteran turns out not to be officially qualified for what they do.
99* VictorGainsLosersPowers
100* VirtualTrainingSimulation: Learning skills in a virtual evironment.
101* WaxOnWaxOff
102* WeaponsOfTheirTrade
103* WhenYouSnatchThePebble: A final test that looks easier than it really is.
104* WorkingOutTheirEmotions
105* WorkoutFanservice
106* WorkplaceAcquiredAbilities
107* YourEyesCanDeceiveYou
108* YouAreNotReady
109* YouShouldntKnowThisAlready (regardless of the skill, there has to be learning before use).
110* ZenSlap
113* AdaptationalBadass
114* DrunkenMaster: The more you drink, the more competent you become.
115* HardWorkHardlyWorks
116* InstantExpert
117* MoochingMaster
118* OpponentSwitch
119* TraumaticSuperpowerAwakening: Awakening incredible power through massive emotional distress.
120* {{Xenafication}}
