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2An index of all the tropes that deal with irony.
7'''Main topic:'''
8* {{Irony}}
11* {{Hypocri|te}}sy
12* IndexBackfire
13* {{Karma}}
15* ArbitrarySkepticism: Refusing to believe in something supernatural in spite of believing in or being aware of the existence of something equally supernatural.
16* TheCobblersChildrenHaveNoShoes: A person's professional skills are of no help towards their own problems.
17* ColorMeBlack: A bigot gets turned into the very kind of person they discriminate against.
18* ConstructionVehicleRampage: Vehicles intended for '''con'''struction are used for '''de'''struction.
19* DeathByIrony: Someone dies in a way that is ironic.
20* TheDeathOfDeath: The embodiment of Death is the one that dies.
21* DiedInIgnorance: A character who dies before learning a major truth that renders their actions sadly ironic.
22* DiedOnTheirBirthday: A character dies on the anniversary of the date on which they were born.
23* TheDogBitesBack: A person who has been abused and tormented turns the tables on those who were mistreating them.
24* DramaticIrony: The irony comes from the audience knowing something that the characters are not aware of.
25* DudeNotIronic: Someone describes something as ironic when there's really nothing ironic about the situation.
26* EvilParentsWantGoodKids: An evil mom/dad/set of parents want their kids to be better than them.
27* HaplessSelfHelp: A person working in self-help doesn't live up to their own teachings.
28* GaveUpTooSoon: A character decides to give up right before their plan would've succeeded.
29* GreatnessMistakenForFailure: A character is so far beyond the norm that their brilliance is mistaken for incompetence.
30* HeWhoFightsMonsters: A person is so obsessed with vanquishing their opposition that they become as bad as the evils they fought.
31* HoistByHisOwnPetard: A person's undoing is brought upon by their own actions.
32* TheHunterBecomesTheHunted: Someone is threatened by someone else who they used to pursue.
33* IfOnlyYouKnew: A character says something that connects to something they don't know (e.g. telling a [[SweetPollyOliver woman disguised as a man]] that she "fights like a girl").
34* IronicAllergy: A person has an allergy that is contradicting to their interests, profession, personality, or biology.
35* IronicallyDisabledArtist: A creator has a disability that seemingly contradicts their method of creating art.
36* IronicBirthday: A person feeling miserable has to pretend to enjoy their birthday party when their friends throw a party against their wishes.
37* IronicEcho: A line of dialogue is repeated later on with a much different meaning.
38* IronicEpisodeTitle: A dark episode has a happy-sounding title.
39* IronicFear: A character is afraid of something that is ironic because their fear deals with something they wouldn't be expected to be afraid of (e.g. a firefighter who is afraid of fire).
40* IronicJuxtaposition: Two contradicting things are shown (like someone smoking next to a "no smoking" sign).
41* IronicLastWords: The last thing a person says carries some form of irony.
42* IronicName: A person has a name that is ironic.
43* IronicNickname: A person has a nickname that is ironic.
44* IronyAsSheIsCast: An actor plays a character a lot different from them (like a Jewish actor playing a Nazi).
45* IsntItIronic: People use a song that they think is fitting without paying close attention to the actual lyrics.
46* JewsPlayingNazis: A Nazi or anti-Semitic character is portrayed by a Jewish actor.
47* JokeAndReceive: Someone says something as a joke, but then the thing turns out to be true.
48* KarmicDeath: A bad person dies in a way that serves as a fitting punishment for their wrongdoings and is their own fault.
49* KarmicMisfire: The person who's truly guilty gets off scot-free while an innocent person takes the fall.
50* KarmicRape: A person getting raped as their comeuppance can be ironic if the person was themselves a rapist.
51* KarmicTransformation: A person is punished by being transformed into something they dislike.
52* TheKillerBecomesTheKilled: A murderer gets murdered themselves.
53* LaserGuidedKarma: A person who does something bad faces immediate and/or poetic punishment for their misdeed.
54* LiteralMoneyMetaphor: People think it's money, only to reveal that it isn't a euphemism.
55* NobleBigot: Even though prejudiced towards a certain race, those characters still values their lives.
56* ObliviousGuiltSlinging: Someone is doing something that will hurt someone else's feelings, and that person says something that inadvertently makes them feel guiltier.
57* {{Retirony}}: A person gets killed when they were close to retirement.
58* RousingLullaby: A lullaby that is in some way disturbing to the listener and as a result keeps them awake instead of helping them sleep.
59* SavedByTheCoffin: Someone's life is saved by the timely appearance of a casket.
60* SolidGoldPoop: Bodily waste that would ordinarily be worthless is instead highly valuable.
61* SpringtimeForHitler: A deliberate attempt at failure results in an unintentional success.
62* StartXToStopX: A character's extremist methodology revolves around stopping something by adding more to the problem.
63* ThisIsReality: A joke where a fictional character addresses that the real world isn't at all like fiction.
64* UseTheirOwnWeaponAgainstThem: Killing or otherwise injuring your opponent with [[HoistByHisOwnPetard their own weapon.]]
65* VehicularTurnabout: Just paid it off? Kiss it goodbye.
