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2[[caption-width-right:188:[-Being a LiteralMetaphor for this is no fun at all.-] ]]
4Don't bother looking at these tropes...they're not all that important.
6See also ApathyIndex, RejectionIndex, MoreThanMeetsTheEye, ObviousIndex, TheSecretIndex, and '''WOW!''' are those '''DistractionTropes!?'''
10[[folder:Isn't there something better to do?]]
12* BelatedInjuryRealization: An injury, often major, goes unnoticed.
13* BeneathNotice: Someone disguises themselves as a commoner to drive suspicion away from them.
14* BeneathSuspicion: Someone who looks innocent at first glance turns out to have been the culprit the whole time.
15* BigLippedAlligatorMoment: A bizarre scene not relevant to the story's plot that is never brought up again after it occurs.
16* BystanderSyndrome: They ''could'' help if they wanted to, but this doesn't really concern them.
17* CassandraTruth: Some people just can't see the truth, even when it's right in front of them.
18* DevilInPlainSight: Everyone ignores the obvious signs that this bad person can't be trusted.
19* DiscouragingConcealment: Hiding something in a place that no one wants to search.
20* ElephantInTheLivingRoom: An obvious problem that everyone is going out of their way to avoid acknowledging.
21* EnjoyTheStorySkipTheGame: Players believe the story of the game is more important than the gameplay. Contrast PlayTheGameSkipTheStory.
22* FailedASpotCheck: Someone fails to notice something they should've before it is too late.
23* FanonDiscontinuity: Fans choose to ignore episodes or installments of the series that they dislike.
24* HandshakeRefusal: Someone refuses to shake someone's hand, for one reason or another.
25* HiddenInPlainSight: Something/someone is hidden in the most obvious spot possible, yet no one pays it any mind.
26* HighFiveLeftHanging: A character tries to get another person to high five them, but the other person just leaves them hanging.
27* IgnoredConfession: Someone makes a confession, but no one cares to pay any attention to them or to take the claim seriously.
28* IgnoredEnemy: The villain, the character who should be at the heroes' throats the most, gets ignored by the heroes arguing amongst themselves.
29* IgnoredEpiphany: The villain considers redeeming themselves, but brushes off the thought and continues being bad.
30* IgnoredExpert: The smart guy's strict warnings about something are blown off by the other characters.
31* IgnoredRaisedHand: Someone asks for a volunteer, and they pick anyone ''but'' the one who's eagerly raising their hand the whole time.
32* IgnoredVitalNewsReports: What? Someone on the news said the government spotted [=UFOs=] in the sky? Yeah, ignore it, that's ''obviously'' not true...
33* IgnoreTheDisability: Someone's warnings to not insult someone with a physical disabilty (or otherwise peculiar trait) eventually go unheeded.
34* IgnoreTheFanservice: Someone's attempts to seduce someone else goes totally unnoticed.
35* IgnoringBySinging: A character covers their ears and sings to try and ignore a statement they don't like or don't want to hear.
36* IHaveNoSon: Parents disown their child because they are ashamed of them or do not approve of the decisions they've made.
37* IllPretendIDidntHearThat: Someone pretends not to hear something so the other person won't get in trouble.
38* InTheDreamingStageOfGrief: Devastated character copes by convincing themselves it is/was just a bad dream.
39* InvisibleToNormals: A fantastical creature of some kind who can't be seen by normal people.
40* ItSeemedTrivial: Someone withholds important information from another character, but doesn't mention that it's actually ''important''.
41* ItsProbablyNothing: No matter how much evidence there is to back up an ominous suspicion, someone continuously ignores it until it's too late.
42* IWarnedYou: Something terrible has happened, and all that the character who warned everyone else that it was gonna happen can do is say, "I warned you."
43* IWasNeverHere: Somebody tries to ignore that something bad or weird occured by saying it never happened.
44* JediMindTrick: Someone uses mind powers to make others do something that they normally wouldn't.
45* JustIgnoreIt: Sometimes just ignoring the problem will make it go away.
46* KansasCityShuffle: A con-man fools their victim into thinking they're falling for an ordinary scam, but then they pull the rug under them and unveil a ''totally new'' scam instead.
47* MacGuffinBlindness: Everyone doesn't know where/what the MacGuffin is, even though it's right in their faces.
48* MetallicarSyndrome: The more inconspicuous your car looks, the more likely you are to be seen as a bad guy.
49* MoveAlongNothingToSeeHere: A StockPhrase most often used by police officers to divert attention away from something suspicious.
50* NoMercyForMurderers: The killer had a reason for his murder? No one cares.
51* TheNondescript: A character who comes off as a little bit ''too'' average, to the point where other characters often forget who they are.
52* NotNowKiddo: Ignoring children when they're trying to warn you about something important.
53* PerceptionFilter: Someone hides their identity by making others around them perceive that they're not really there.
54* PlayTheGameSkipTheStory: Players often pay no attention to the story and believe the gameplay is more important. Contrast EnjoyTheStorySkipTheGame.
55* RefusalOfTheCall: The CallToAdventure is (at first) explicitly turned down.
56* RefusalOfTheSecondCall: The hero refuses to take up the CallToAdventure again after saving the world the last time, for whatever reason.
57* RightUnderTheirNoses: Someone hides in the place where nobody would ever consider looking.
58* SelectiveObliviousness: Someone is perfectly fine with acknowledging anything else but that one specific thing, even though everyone else knows it's true.
59* SilentTreatment: When you refuse to speak to someone else to show your disapproval.
60* TellHimImNotSpeakingToHim: Someone bypasses the SilentTreatment by asking someone to relay a message back to someone else.
61* ThatDidntHappen: A romantic pair negates their relationship by pretending that it never even happened.
62* TheoryTunnelvision: Someone still chooses to hold on to their opinions or beliefs, despite all evidence to the contrary.
63* TheyLookJustLikeEveryoneElse: A villain who looks too unassuming and innocent to actually ''be'' one...and yet they are.
64* TooImportantToRememberYou: Someone of a high authority constantly forgets about the people who are of a lesser status than them.
65* UnderappreciatedWomensWork: The contributions of mom-type people go unappreciated by those around them.
66* UnknownRival: Someone has a rival who is after the same goals as them, but they're unaware that they even ''have'' a rival at all.
67* UnusuallyUninterestingSight: Characters fail to notice or care about something that should be seen as unusual or weird.
68* VisibleToBelievers: Someone or something only reveals itself to people who choose to believe in it.
69* WeirdnessCensor: There's a whole bunch of strange stuff going around, but no one seems to notice.
70* WithinParameters: A group of scientists are running tests on something, and one of them brushes it off when they start receiving abnormal signals.
71* YouDidntSeeThat: Somebody tells someone else to forget that they ever saw something.
75What, expecting a witty stinger or something? There's nothing to see here. Scram!
