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1->''"You choose death! Wise. But first, a little chi-chi!"''
2-->-- '''Really old joke'''
4An index for tropes dealing with suicide.
7!!Tropes about suicide:
10+ {{UsefulNotes/Suicide}}
13+ MurderBySuicide
15* AccidentalSuicide: Killing yourself unintentionally.
16* ActionBomb: Someone who blows themselves up, often killing themselves in the process.
17* AteHisGun: Someone commits suicide by firing a gun after putting it in their mouth.
18* AttackingThroughYourself: The only way to harm an enemy is by harming yourself (such as shooting yourself so that the bullet passes through your body into theirs).
19* BarefootSuicide: Someone kills themselves while barefoot.
20* BathSuicide: Someone commits suicide in the bathtub.
21* BetterToDieThanBeKilled: A character commits suicide rather than fall into the hands of someone trying to kill them.
22* BulliedIntoDepression: Bullying can possibly lead someone to commit suicide.
23* BungledSuicide: A (failed) suicide attempt.
24* CutTheSafetyRope: Two characters are in peril. One character chooses to die so that the second can be saved.
25* CyanidePill: A means of suicide carried on one's person in the event one is captured.
26* DeathBeforeDishonor: A character commits suicide rather than do something immoral or against their moral code.
27* DeathIsTheOnlyOption: The only way to achieve victory is to die.
28* DeathSeeker: A suicidal character seeks out dangerous situations without regard for their survival.
29* DressingToDie: The character picks out a special outfit before killing himself.
30* DrivenToSuicide: A bad event leads a character into committing suicide.
31* DyingAsYourself: A character trapped in circumstances that will permanently alter their basic personality, humanity, or dignity may choose to kill themselves before the transformation is complete.
32* ElectrifiedBathtub: If the death by active electronics being dropped into the tub while bathing was deliberately done by the person bathing.
33* FaceDeathWithDignity: A doomed character accepts their death with serenity.
34* FakeAssistedSuicide: A character assists another character in killing themselves only to sabotage the attempt.
35* ForgivenessRequiresDeath: In order to be forgiven of their crimes, the character must die.
36* GayngstInducedSuicide: A character commits suicide because of issues around their homosexuality.
37* GoingDownWithTheShip: The commander of a vessel chooses to remain on said vessel as it is destroyed.
38* GoodbyeCruelWorld: A character leaves a goodbye note before committing suicide.
39* HangingAround: A character commits suicide by hanging themselves.
40* HappilyFailedSuicide: A character fails a suicide attempt, but is happy about it.
41* HereditarySuicide: Suicide and/or suicide attempts run in families.
42* HeroicSacrifice: Sacrificing your own life for the greater good.
43* HeroicSuicide: Killing oneself is regarded as a heroic act in the story.
44* HonorableWarriorsDeath: A warrior attempts to die in battle or by using some method considered worthy of a warrior in their culture.
45* ICannotSelfTerminate: A character is literally unable to end their own existence.
46* ImNotHungry: If someone refuses to eat food to the point that they let themselves starve to death. This has been the fate of some political protesters who went on hunger strikes.
47* InterruptedSuicide: A character's suicide attempt is interrupted.
48* IndirectSerialKiller: Some serial killers kill people by making them commit suicide.
49* JumpingOnAGrenade: Sacrificing oneself by using one's own body as a shield against a deadly threat in hopes of sparing others
50* KryptoniteRing: A character gives another character a special deadly weapon.
51* LastSurvivorSuicide: Someone kills themselves over being upset that they're the last one left alive.
52* LeaveBehindAPistol: Giving the option of suicide before dishonor.
53* MainCharacterFinalBoss: The main character finally snaps and becomes the final boss, leading to the party ending their life.
54* MercyKill: If a suicidal person begs another person to put them out of their misery.
55* MercyKillArrangement: A character plans their own euthanization.
56* MidSuicideRegret: A character decides they want to live in the middle of a suicide attempt.
57* MilesToGoBeforeISleep: A character determines they will kill themselves once a list of tasks is complete.
58* MistakenForSuicidal: A character is thought to be suicidal when they're really not.
59* MoreExpendableThanYou: A group of people have to sacrifice one of themselves. Everyone else volunteers because they don't want one member to die.
60* MurderSuicide: Someone kills another person before killing themselves.
61* MyDeathIsJustTheBeginning: A character deliberately kills themselves in order to start an even more lethal chain of events.
62* NeverSuicide: A murder victim is covered up by making it look like a suicide.
63* NothingLeftToDoButDie: Someone kills themselves out of boredom and/or satisfaction, believing they've accomplished or done everything they want and have nothing left to live for.
64* OrderedToDie: Ordered to kill themselves by someone with authority.
65* PainlessDeathForAPrice: Someone on death's doorstep is offered a MercyKill in exchange for something valuable.
66* PleaseKillMeIfItSatisfiesYou: Character permits another character to kill them.
67* PsychicAssistedSuicide: Using mind control to make a person kill themselves.
68* PreludeToSuicide: A character exhibits signs of being suicidal before they attempt.
69* RussianRoulette: You pull the trigger on yourself, and there is a one-in-six chance that you die.
70* SeenItAllSuicide: Someone kills themselves after concluding they've seen everything they ever could.
71* SelfImmolation: Lighting oneself on fire as a means of suicide. Sometimes done as an extreme form of political protest.
72* SelfSacrificeScheme: A plan by a character to sacrifice their life for someone or something else.
73* {{Seppuku}}: Ritualized suicide to avoid disgrace.
74* SpitefulSuicide: A character kills themselves/gets themselves killed to spite someone else.
75* SpurnedIntoSuicide: A character kills themselves because they were rejected by a love interest.
76* StartsWithASuicide: When a show starts with a character committing suicide.
77* StopOrIShootMyself: Threatening suicide in order to end a conflict.
78* StrikeMeDownWithAllOfYourHatred: You provoke your enemy to kill you.
79* SuicidalCosmicTemperTantrum: A character decides to kill themselves and everyone else.
80* SuicidalGotcha: An apparent suicide turns out to be a preplanned form of escape.
81* SuicidalLemmings: Lemmings off themselves by way of jumping off of cliffs.
82* SuicidalSadisticChoice: A SadisticChoice where one option is death.
83* SuicideAsComedy: When suicide is {{Played for|Laughs}} BlackComedy.
84* SuicideAttack: An attack on an enemy that will almost certainly lead to one's own demise.
85* SuicideByAssassin: Hiring someone to kill you.
86* SuicideByCop: You provoke someone into killing you.
87* SuicideByPills: A character intentionally overdosing on medication in pill form to kill themself.
88* SuicideBySea: Committing suicide by calmly and deliberately walking into a body of water and drowning.
89* SuicideBySunlight: A vampire (or another supernatural creature) can be [[WeakenedByTheLight destroyed by stepping into sunlight]], and does so voluntarily.
90* SuicideDare: Telling someone to kill themselves.
91* SuicideForOthersHappiness: A character wants to take their own life because they believes that other people will be happier if they were dead.
92* SuicideIsPainless: A suicide method that doesn't inflict any pain.
93* SuicideIsShameful: Suicide is seen as morally detestable.
94* SuicideNotAccident: A character arranges their suicide to look like an accident or its mistaken for an accident.
95* SuicideNotMurder: A character arranges their suicide to look like a murder or its mistaken for a murder.
96* SuicidePact: A group of characters agree to commit suicide.
97* SuicideWatch: A person is monitored to prevent them from killing themselves.
98* SymbolicSereneSubmersion: A character is revealed to have drowned themself by a shot of their body floating in the water.
99* TagTeamSuicide: A character commits suicide under the mistaken belief that their loved one is dead. The loved one learns of the character's death and kills themselves for real.
100* TakingTheBullet: A character deliberately places themselves in front of a lethal threat intended for someone else.
101* TakingYouWithMe: A person who gets killed makes it so that their killer dies with them.
102* TalkingDownTheSuicidal: A character tells someone not to kill themselves.
103* TeenageDeathSongs (a subcategory of it): Songs about the tragic death of a young person (sometimes by suicide), often meant as a cautionary tale.
104* TemporalSuicide: Killing your past or future self.
105* TongueSuicide: A character bites off their tongue to commit suicide.
106* WeWillHaveEuthanasiaInTheFuture: Society has progressed ([[CrapsackWorld or devolved]]) to the point of allowing its citizens to kill themselves without intervening. May also be a society in which social engineering has determined that all citizens must die at a specific age/circumstance (with or without the consent or knowledge of the citizens) to maintain stability.
107* WhoWantsToLiveForever: If an {{immortal|ity}} being grows so sick of eternal life that [[DeathSeeker they just want it to end already]].
109!!Metaphorically about suicide:
110* MartyrdomCulture: A society that encourages people to die for a purpose.
111* ResurrectionGambit: A character plans their own death, with contingencies that should, in theory, result in their resurrection.
112* SuicidalOverconfidence: Video game enemies rush in to attack the player character, despite the fact that they are clearly hopelessly outmatched.
113* SuicidalPacifism: A character believes so strongly in pacifism that they refuse to harm others even in self-defense.
114* SuicideMission: A mission will almost certainly end in death for whoever accepts it.
