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4Tropes having to do with [[UsefulNotes/{{Bisexual}} bisexuality]].
6See also the JustForFun/KinseyScaleOfTropes.
12* AlcoholInducedBisexuality: Someone shows themselves to be AmbiguouslyBi, but only when intoxicated.
13* AmbiguouslyBi: Someone with bi subtext.
14* BisexualLoveTriangle: A character is split between a same-gender and opposite-gender character (although the hypotenuse does not have to be bisexual, they often will be).
15* BiWildered: Confusion about one's own or another's bisexuality.
16* ButNotTooBi: Stated to be bi, but only really seen interested in one gender.
17* DepravedBisexual: A character's bisexuality underscores their villainous nature.
18* EvenTheGirlsWantHer: A girl hot enough to threaten straight girls' straightness.
19* EvenTheGuysWantHim: A guy hot enough to threaten straight guys' straightness.
20* EverybodyWantsTheHermaphrodite: Hermaphrodites have something to offer to any gender preference.
21* EveryoneIsBi: A largely bi cast.
22* ExperimentedInCollege: Someone experimented with the same gender in their youth.
23* ExtraParentConception: A kid with more than two parents.
24* ExtremeOmnisexual: Going beyond bisexuality and sleeping with anything. ''Anything''.
25* HomosexualReproduction: A child with two biological parents of the same sex/gender.
26* IfItsYouItsOkay: A lover who defies usual gender preferences.
27* ImmortalityBisexuality: Immortal and bi.
28* LovableSexManiac: A character's blatant sexual/bisexual advances underscore their heroic nature.
29* NoBisexuals: ''No one'' can like more than one gender.
30* OneTrueThreesome: Because it requires that people be attracted to the same gender, more than one gender, or both.
31* OnlyHasSameSexAdmirers: Although a series has plenty of opposite-sex characters this character only attracts same-sex characters.
32* {{Polyamory}}: Relationships with more than two love partners involved.
33* PragmaticPansexuality: Characters are sleeping or flirting with both genders only used to achieve their goals (often not genuinely bisexual).
34* StupidSexyFlanders: Sexy enough to threaten heterosexuality.
35* TeamworkSeduction: Two characters work together to get who they want.
36* AThreesomeIsHot: Threesomes are hot. A character thinks this, especially when it may involve two guys or two girls together.
