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2[[caption-width-right:350:Birds, birds, birds!]]
4Tropes about birds. See also TropesaurusIndex for the birds' ancestors.
12+ CorvidTropes (crows, ravens, and magpies)
13+ ThisIndexQuacks (ducks, geese, and swans)
15+ TropesaurusIndex
17* AcrophobicBird: A bird afraid of flying.
18* AllFlyersAreBirds: Non-avian flying animals depicted as perching, nesting, and behaving like birds.
19* AmericanEagle: Bald eagles used to represent the United States of America.
20* ArtisticLicenseOrnithology: Fiction's portrayal of birds isn't accurate to how birds are in real life.
21* AvianFlute: Birds musically represented by flutes.
22* BalloonBurstingBird: A balloon gets popped by a bird's beak.
23* BasiliskAndCockatrice: Creatures often depicted as monstrous chicken-like beings.
24* BeakAttack: Beaks used as natural weapons.
25* BirdPeople: Humanoid birds.
26* BirdPoopGag: Someone or something gets hit by bird droppings.
27* BirdVsSerpent: A bird pitted against a snake.
28* BluebirdOfHappiness: Bluebirds as symbols of happiness and serenity.
29* BrutalBirdOfPrey: Raptors portrayed as merciless killing machines.
30* CagedBirdMetaphor: A repressed character is compared to a bird in a cage.
31* CanaryInACoalMine: Keeping a caged canary in a mine so that when it dies you know that there are toxic gases in the air.
32* CartoonPenguin: A simple black-and-white penguin of no particular species.
33* ChickenJoke: Why ''did'' the chicken cross the road?
34* ChickenpoxEpisode: While chickenpox has nothing to do with chickens in real life, many fictional works connect chickenpox to chickens, usually by having afflicted characters ''become'' chickens.
35* CirclingBirdies: When someone is hit over the head and their dazed state is represented by birds flying in circles around their head.
36* CirclingVultures: Vultures circle around someone when they're at death's door.
37* CockADoodleDawn: Rooster crows in the morning.
38* CockyRooster: Roosters depicted as fierce, aggressive birds or with a smug, snobbish attitude.
39* CreepyHairlessAnimal: An animal that usually has fur, hair, or feathers is hairless or featherless, making it seem creepy.
40* CuckooClockGag: Cuckoo birds are generally known for popping out of the clock every hour.
41* CuteOwl: Owls depicted as adorable birds.
42* DeliveryStork: Storks deliver babies to their parents.
43* DisturbedDoves: Mass bird take-off is always symbolic.
44* DivineBirds: Birds depicted as sacred, holy or heavenly.
45* DoofyDodo: Dodo birds portrayed as unintelligent and/or funny.
46* DovesMeanPeace: When a dove appears, expect it to represent peace and other positive concepts.
47* EasternZodiac: The rooster is the tenth animal of the zodiac.
48* EggLayingMale: Male birds can lay eggs in fiction.
49* EggshellClothing: When a creature that hatched from an egg wears the egg's shell as an item of clothing.
50* EyeballPluckingBirds: Ravens and other scavenging birds will ALWAYS go for the eyeball of both living and dead animals.
51* FeatheredDragons: Dragons with birdlike wings or other avian traits.
52* FeatheredFiend: Evil birds.
53* FeatherFingers: A bird's wing feathers function the same as fingers.
54* FlyingFlightlessBird: A bird that's flightless in reality but able to fly in a work of fiction.
55* FowlMouthedParrot: A parrot copies someone swearing.
56* GoofyFeatheredDinosaur: Feathered dinosaurs depicted as humorous and unintimidating.
57* HarpingOnAboutHarpies: Half-bird/half-woman mythical creatures.
58* HomelessPigeonPerson: A homeless person who cares for pigeons.
59* InstantlyDefeatheredBird: A bird loses all of its feathers as a result of AmusingInjuries.
60* InstantMessengerPigeon: Birds that are used to deliver messages.
61* JunglesSoundLikeKookaburras: If there's a scene taking place in a jungle, chances are good that you'll hear the sound of a kookaburra in the background.
62* TheMothman: Despite the name, mothmen are often described as having many strigiform characteristics to them.
63* MouthyBird: A cartoon bird's beak is drawn or animated to act like a mouth.
64* KidnappingBirdOfPrey: Predatory birds that snatch people from the ground and carry them off into the sky.
65* NobleBirdOfPrey: Predator birds depicted as brave, good, honorable or wise.
66* NotInFrontOfTheParrot: Someone gets in trouble because they said something embarrassing or incriminating in front of a parrot.
67* OminousOwl: Owls portrayed as creepy or scary.
68* OstrichHeadHiding: An ostrich with its head stuck under the ground.
69* OurGryphonsAreDifferent: Half-bird/half-feline mythical creatures.
70* OwlsAskWho: Owls associated with (and are often confused for asking) a certain one-word question.
71* TheOwlKnowingOne: Owls depicted as wise and knowledgeable beings.
72* PeacockGirl: When a humanoid person has a peacock tail or is wearing a bunch of feathers arranged as though it was a peacock tail.
73* PelicanPackagePouch: When a pelican's throat pouch is used to hide and/or carry things.
74* PenguinsAreDucks: Penguins given attributes of ducks due to confusion between the two.
75* PerpetualMolt: Birds that are constantly shedding or losing feathered.
76* PeskyPigeons: Pigeons portrayed as a nuisance, or as unpleasant creatures.
77* ThePhoenix: A mythical firebird that can resurrect itself after dying.
78* PirateParrot: Pirates have parrots on their shoulders.
79* PolarBearsAndPenguins: Penguins living in the same habitat as polar bears, even though they don't live together in real life.
80* PolarPenguins: Penguins are used as a visual shorthand for cold climates.
81* PollyWantsAMicrophone: Parrots are actually able to talk instead of just copying what they hear other people say.
82* ProudPeacock: Peacocks depicted as vain birds.
83* RocBirds: Predatory birds of immense size, originating in Arabic folklore.
84* SemiaquaticSpeciesSailor: Anthropomorphic semi-aquatic birds such as ducks, loons, and seabirds are depicted as sailors, pirates, or captains.
85* SnackStealingSeagulls: Seagulls are portrayed as greedy food thieves.
86* ThanksgivingTurkey: Turkeys used to represent or symbolize Thanksgiving.
87* {{Thunderbird}}: A giant bird connected with storms, usually drawn from Native American myth.
88* ToothyBird: Birds with teeth.
89* UnwiseOwl: An owl is portrayed as not being as intelligent/wise as one expects.
90* VileVulture: Vultures in fiction are amoral and villainous.
