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Context Heartwarming / DanVs

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3'''As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked [[Administrivia/SpoilersOff as per policy.]] Administrivia/YouHaveBeenWarned.'''
5* Dan finding Mr. Mumbles.
6** Hell, Mr. Mumbles is a Crowning Character of Heartwarming. Dan's interactions with [[YourTomcatIsPregnant her]] are just adorable.
7* [[ItMakesSenseInContext Dan letting Chris destroy Canada.]]
8* The entire tent scene with Elise, Dan, and Chris in ''Vs. George Washington''. I never thought I'd say this about Dan but... ''awww''.
9* Most of the scenes with Dan and Hortense. It's just so strange seeing Dan be so nice to another human being, even wooing her with Shakespeare quotes. Too bad it doesn't last...
10** It's quite notable that Dan never, at any point, takes any of his anger out on Hortense during that episode. He is completely in his right to complain, but he always treats her nicely because, well, she had nothing to do with the screwup and was willing to help out anyway. All of that was adorable.
11** At the end of the episode, while Hortense is being lauded by Jeremiah Burger for her exceptional customer service, if you glance over at Dan, he's holding his head in his hands and looking at her with a completely lovestruck expression. When she's crowned regional manager, he enthusiastically returns her hug and is genuinely excited for her.
12* Mr. Mumbles' birthday party. Dan got her a big mouse-shaped cake made of sardine and liver.
13* Hortense saying goodbye to Dan.
14* Chris, Elise, Elise Sr., and Don all holding hands as the cruise ship they've been abandoned aboard plunges into the Catalina Parallelogram -- Chris offers his hand to Dan, who hesitates before accepting it.
15* Dan's revelation concerning the Dinosaur and him being not so different is oddly funny and heartwarming. He just can't stay angry at a fellow lazy, television watching, burger munching misanthrope.
16* Dan immediately recognizing Dennis as a kindred spirit and being so moved by his violent nature that he cries out of happiness. He vehemently refers to Dennis as his son mere minutes after meeting him and does his best to give him a wonderful day full of things they both love, that being cruel and self-centered mischief such as stealing a bike from a family at the beach and cracking up at entries from Chris' diary. He's genuinely broken up when he's denied the chance to adopt Dennis at the end of the episode and makes him promise to steal from his adoptive family whenever possible, to which Dennis wholeheartedly agrees.
17* At the end of "Common Cold," when Chris manages to give Dan the virus antidote just in time to save his life, he's so overjoyed when Dan wakes up that he gives him a bear hug so tight that Dan groans in pain and kicks his feet.
18* In "Monster Under the Bed", Dan seems downright sincere when he asks why Chris and Elise don't come to visit him more often.
19* The end of the fight in "Chris" shows that Dan does genuinely care about Chris (At the very least, enough to prevent him from falling to his death off a cliff).
20** Shown again in "The Boss". He's more willing to exorcise his demon boss rather than sacrifice Chris for his own personal gain. Considering who [[{{Jerkass}} Dan]] is, this is saying a lot.
21* Chris getting absolutely furious over Amber taking advantage of Dan in "Anger Management".
22* TheReveal that Dan was beloved by his high school classmates.
23* Even though Dan dragged Chris along for their camping trip in front of the DMV and told Chris to be the lookout, Dan gave Chris a nice crossbow instead of keeping it for himself and his protection. Normally, this would not be a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, but this is Dan we are talking about.
24* "Summer Camp" is one big giant heartwarming episode between Dan and Chris. It shows how they first met and became friends. It really goes a long way of showing why, in spite of all the crap Dan puts [[ButtMonkey Chris]] through over the series, he is so important to him.
25** Dan refusing to leave Chris in the prison area, telling him "You're the best friend I've got!".
26** The ending where Chris feels upset at not being able to win an award to take home to his parents... and Dan makes him a "Best Sidekick Award."
27* Dan attempting to rescue Chris from the titular Lemonade Stand Gang. It fails horribly though and they get mugged, but it's the thought that counts.
28* Dan restraining himself from attacking Mall Santa in front of the children.
29* Dan and Elise actually manage to find common ground in "The Ski Trip". Dan actually manages to provide surprisingly sound advice to reassure Elise about what she should do with her job of [[ItMakesSenseInContext "fishing"]].
