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Context Funny / TheXFilesGame

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1* When Willmore puts tape on his nose. Seriously, why?!
2* The fact that you can take pictures of and shoot people... the random Bad Endings are sometimes funny, but... not always.
3** Additionally, if you're feeling rebellious and don't mind a [[GameOver Game Over]], the implications of using some of your items on other characters can be a bit amusing, like slapping handcuffs on the hotel receptionist for giving you lip.
4* Ever tried dinging the bell in the motel? Done it twice? If you do it too much you'll actually get the "fired" bad end.
5* Six Words: "He and Shanks... Should Have Babies."
6* "That's a lovely color on you."
7** "Why thank you, Agent Kiss-ass!"
8* If you choose to have the fight with Astadorian about who does what and storm off, you get fired.
9* The show in Mulder's room, even if it does make you jump.
10* Astadourian's frustrated eye roll when Willmore doesn't have a measly $10 to bribe the bum for the evidence he (the bum) found.
11* If you show the homeless man your FBI badge, he will take it from you and hold onto it (i.e. it will actually leave your inventory.)
12* Clicking on Astadourian's rear while she and Willmore are investigating the interior of the Tarakan triggers an amusing "get your hand off my ass" cutscene. Stay classy, Craig. Even better: doing it again gets you a [[NonstandardGameOver Non-Standard Game Over]] with Willmore getting ''sent to prison''.
13* E-mailing some of your notes to family and civilians can yield some interesting responses, most being of the "what the hell?" variety.
14* '''Frohike:''' "Some of us are ''more'' than just friends."
15* Pointing your gun at an NPC or showing them an unrelated item will have them say "Don't do that!" in a tone that makes it sound like they're scolding a child.
