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Context Fridge / TheThreeCaballeros

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1!! FridgeBrilliance
2* Pablo, the penguin who wanted to move to the Galápagos, actually would have found company along his journey. [[ Two]] [[ species]] of penguin live along the west coast of the continent, though they don't get to the equator. And when he got to the Galápagos, he would have met up with a [[ third species]], now endangered. (A cold ocean current flowing along that coast allows penguins to thrive outside of Antarctica, though they're smaller and less insulated than their Antarctic cousins.)
3* Donald's canon birthday is June 9th, while this film (and other sources) claim it's "Friday the 13th". If June has a Friday the 13th, June 9th would've been the Monday of the same week. It's not uncommon to put off celebrating your birthday till the end of a week if it falls on a weekday.
5!! FridgeHorror:
