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Archived Discussion Webvideo / AtopTheFourthWall

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Falcon Pain: Does anyone refer to it as Linkara's Atop The Fourth Wall? If we're going to split it from TGWTG, we should really call it Atop The Fourth Wall, make Linkara a redirect, and ditch this awkward (and unpunctuated) name entirely.

  • Random Troper: I know I don't refer to it that way. I agree completely with your suggestion.
    • Utritum: I also agree with this.
      • AC Drawings: sorry, that was my fault. there was already a redirect to that guy with the glasses called 'Atop the fourth wall" so I put Linkara in front of it as a place holder until it could be fixed.

Shotgun Ninja: In this case, shouldn't the image quote be "He is a MAN! *BANG*" I know how the line goes, but he's holding a gun in the image.

Ninja Steve: Is there any reason why the Angry Video Game Nerd's appearance in Linkara's Adamantium Rage review is spoilered? (I did so in case of a valid reason.) Said scene has since been added to the intro.

Draken:Ok, which episodes showcase the supposed Perverse Sexual Lust of Harley Quinn? Honestly? Only one I can find is the end of the Countdown top 15 episode.

  • Mouser: I think it's in the Countdown prologue when he's introducing the cast. He goes all daydreamy when he gets to her.

Fusionman OK after the conclusion of the Mechakara saga. Can we award Linkara a Crowning Moment Of Awesome page? This is planned out and unadulterated awesome.
