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Archived Discussion WMG / BlackAdder

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

In reference to the Baldrick ancestry theory, that is assuming the cunning to be entirely inherited. The series itself seems to disprove this - Edmund bears little personality resemblance to his father, half-brother(s) or mother. Taking this into account, is it not more likely Baldrick merely trained Edmund's son (probably by leia in the two years between their marriage and his death) as he grew up, to the detriment of his own offspring?

Ross N: That seems fairly plausible given the absolute loyalty Baldrick always displayed towards Edmund.

According to Blackadder II Lord Blackadder is the Great-Grandson of Prince Edmund. His father (who lost the family fortune on wine, women and amateur dramatics) obviously had a family fortune to loose, and Lord and Lady Whiteadder are likewise very rich. So Prince Edmund's son must have clever enough to rebuild the family fortune and rejoin the nobility.
