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Archived Discussion WMG / BionicWoman

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Fast Eddie: Whoever posted the fetus WMG is way twisted. In a way that is probably right. Dude, I am calling dibs on "Totally Bionic Baby" right now.


"The bionic process will ONLY work on a pregnant woman, who has a ready source of stem cells that her immune system already recognizes."

If I'm remembering my Physiology course correctly, a pregnant woman's body does NOT recognize the cells of her unborn child as her own cells; that's why it's so critical for the developing fetus's blood supply to be kept separate from the mother's via the placenta. In fact, it's entirely possible for a mother to develop antibodies against her own fetus, particularly if the mother is Rh-negative and the child is Rh-positive.
