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Archived Discussion Series / Primeval

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

It doesn't really have more death, it's just Doctor Who uses Red Shirts and one episode off Mauve Shirts a bit more. This show has those too, but so far has killed off a recurring Mauve Shirt and a fairly Major Character. Not exactly AnyoneCanDie, more Any Minor Recurring Character Can Die.

Zix: What do you mean it doesn't feature dinosaurs in the first season?! The very fist episode has at least three, including a killer Gorgonopsid and Rex. Then there is the f9fth episode that has a Pteranodon and a flock of killer birds from the same time period (I can't find their names on Wiki). To say that there aren't any dinosaurs until series two is an outright lie.

Plus, where are the moments of pure awesomeness? I mean, roadkill a gorgoopsid, sucker-punch a raptor, use motorcycles to lure a raptor, wield killing leaf-blowers (well, killing to their target, but still) AND the badass part with the giant scorpion-thing with the harpoon? Isn't there a trope for monster mash, at the ending of the first season, when the Predator and the Gorogopsid duke it out?

Still Waters: They're using the scientific definition of (non-avian) dinosaur rather than as a shorthand for "extinct animal". Gorgonopsids are related to the first mammals; Rex's an early diapsid (the group which contains, among many others, serpents, lizards, dinosaurs (and birds), pterosaurs and crocodiles) and pterosaurs are neither birds or dinosaurs. The only dinos the first season has are dodos, hesperornis and extant birds.

R Taco: This seems a little ridiculous:

  • Americanitis - That grating series title! Presumable the lure of US sales made Primaeval unacceptable.

It's just a translation; that's simply how the word is spelled in American English.

Mercy: Ridiculous? That's a matter of opinion. The trope Americanitis is all about the way in which non-US media have to conform to American conventions and expectations. That the makers of a British TV program felt it necessary to spell the title in the American manner is surely an example?

R Taco: Ah, my mistake. I assumed that the title's spelling was only changed to "Primeval" for the American airings, not that is was spelled that way originally.

Nornagest: "All about the way in which non-US media have to conform to American expectations"? Um, no, it's not. It's about American culture being shoehorned into a piece during import or adaptation — changing takoyaki into donuts, cramming Tom Sawyer into The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, that sort of thing. A British producer choosing to use American spellings in a British release may be annoying, and it may be ridiculous to Brits, but Americanitis it ain't.

Mercy: Hmmm... I hate to say it, but after re-reading the Americanitis entry, I think Nornagest is correct here, so I'll remove the trope.

The "Aborted Arc" entry refers to a "mirror scene" in the last episode (of S1, presumably). Can anyone tell me what that was? I don't remember it.

We see Claudia running around and noone can see her, then she looks in a mirror and sees anomalies around her or... something. I think that's it anyway, haven't watched S1 in a while.

Arakhor: Huh? I don't recall that scene at all. Which episode specifically was it in?

Anon: Wasn't there a dream sequence at one point? Was that in it? I would like to re-view it, though.

Does anyone else think that it might be worth making a Character Sheet?
