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Archived Discussion Manga / MaiOtome

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Willy Four Eyes: I'm probably in the minority on this, but there seems to be a lot about male!Otome!manga!Mashiro that set off my Gary Stu alarm, namely the revelations in the last volume. *shrug*

Micah_Hakubi: Most Gary Stu's don't get the level of abuse male!Otome!manga!Manshiro gets delivered upon him - everything from physically beaten up rather savagely to some heavily implied highly sexual abuse at one point, if male!Otome!manga!Manshiro's memories are anything to go by. Sure, he effectively becomes the inheritor to the Windbloom kingdom, but it's not like he's the first head of state we deal with.
