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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: And That\'s Terrible.: From YKTTW

Ajardoor: He's the richest man in Metropolis. Why can't he just BUY some cakes?

Grev: Someone Cut Lex Luthor a Check for those cakes.

Inkblot: Wait a's terrible that 40 is 4 x 10?

Korodzik: He actually took only 39. One of them fell off the cart.

Fixed the ridiculous labeling of a video game as literature. Seriously people?

Eric DVH: Lady Jafaria, The Witcher originated as a popular series of novels in Poland, so that example might actually be from one of the books, for all I know.

Slayn82: I just figured it out - Lex was drunk and messed yellow cake and yellowcake ( Or it was an ploy to attract superman with the least effort, or to make heroes dont bother next time he needs an nuclear reactor (silly Luthor and his sweettooth, hahah, lets find something else to do) . And that's terrible.
