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Archived Discussion Main / WorldInConflict

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Tulling: To Corahs Uncle: What made you think I was referring to the U.S. South? Do you believe I cannot recognise the dialects and accents of my native language?

Nirual: Concerning Impressive Pyrotechnics, is this game really guilty of that trope? I'm no scientist, but the depictions of the various tactical aids seem rather on spot to me (except the nuke, whose radiation is rather shortlived for balance reasons). The sound might be a bit more impressive than needed, but you are supposed to notice them, after all.

Koveras: Someone ought to try finding more tropes for this page on Military Tropes and War Tropes...

Nirual: Added a few things, but it's generally hard to find tropes for this game, as its very different from classic RTS games and also rather realistic in unit depiction.

Nirual: pulled chatter from the Main Page:

  • Let's be fair: the attack in Europe was unexpected and much stronger than any NATO expectations at the time. The attack in southern France (by naval landing troops) was made while the Soviets had temporary control of most of the northern Mediterranian. And the assault on the Northwest United States was accomplished by camoflaging the troop transports as commercial cargo ships, and the US did not seriously expect the Russians to stage an attack there, resulting in only a small and scattered National Guard force with some Regular Army units. Hard to believe, knowing what we know now, but certainly plausible in a tactical or strategic theater view.
    • Ha no really. How exactly are thousands of unregistered civilian ships bee-lining straight for the continent with clearly Russian features and names not considered suspicious. What's more, how the hell is it such a massive flotilla was able to strike without anyone thinking it might be worth going to check out wtf the deal is with that many ships breaching US territorial waters. AND EVEN STILL!! The US Navy could've absolutely obliterated any resupply/reinforcement force through tomahawks/torpedos from their submarines and their far-superior carrier assests once they knew of the threat. AND EVEN STILL! Assuming the Navy was struck retarded, the air force has every single fighter capable of performing rudimentry anti-ship functions, and could've still made the logistical side of the battle unwinnable forcing a Russian surrender in a matter of days (as...ya know...happened in every single fight fought in the modern era in a set-piece battle)

Wether or not the premise is realistic or not doesn't really matter for the trope.
