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Archived Discussion Main / WhatWereYouThinking

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Lale: We should keep Stock Phrases out of Truth in Television. Anybody can say anything in real life.

Should we include the bit where Kirk doesn't raise his shields until it's too late in Wrath of Khan? Despite the fact that he is Kirk, an Admiral, and that standing Starfleet orders at the time are to treat ships approaching under radio silence (even Starfleet ones) as potentially hostile (ie.: go to yellow alert and raise shields at least, or even red alert and power weapons?)

Bucky65: There is a classic Pogo strip where Churchy accidentally lets go of a pram (complete with baby) and it rolls down a hillside, battleship Potemkin style, causing slight panic and great discomfort to those hit by it. When it has been stopped and "What in the ever-lovin' blue-eyed world was you thinking of?!" is yelled at him, Churchys happy answer is "Nothing. Honest!".
