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Archived Discussion Main / WhatCouldPossiblyGoWrong

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Headcase: I took the "Stock Phrases" index out of this one, as the stock phrase is listed under Other Stock Phrases, and has the A Simple Plan meaning instead of the "OMG that red crystal is totally going to blow up and drive the plot" meaning. You know, given all the stock phrase examples posted here, maybe it deserves its own page instead of being part of Other Stock Phrases, though that would necessitate a title change for this trope, perhaps...

Ok, this one seems obvious enough that it had to have appeared elsewhere, but I searched around and couldn't find anything quite like it. If there is another trope just like this, kindly redirect this one to that trope.

omgdragonfly: And even if it turns out to be a duplicate, it will still make a lovely Stock Phrase.

Shale I started to weed out all the examples inserted by people who clearly hadn't read the trope description, and the Spider-Man 2 writeup ended up as the last entry on the list. I don't think this is going to work out.

— Lots42: I seem to remember a novelization of a Doctor Who television episode where he says to the companion, paraphrased, to not suggest he, the Doctor, take a relaxing vacation because relaxing vacations never are.
