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Archived Discussion Main / WalkingWasteland

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Walking Wasteland: From YKTTW

Umptyscope: Jessica Fletcher?


Malimar: This trope seems a little bit vague. Would King Midas count?

Great Limmick: King Midas had to touch things. I think this involves just being near them. Speaking of which, I remember seeing a clip from one of the Vampire Hunter D movies where the vampire rides his carriage through town. As he does, fountains freeze, mirrors crack, and crosses twist into knots. Sounds like a variant on this idea, but I don't know which movie it was.


Max The Reaper: Jesus Christ (or Odin, if you prefer,) on a carousel, that picture is bloody terrifying. Especially if you've just come off reading the High Octane Nightmare Fuel page for, say, Silent Hill.

Necroletariat: Speaking of, what IS that picture from? It's pretty badass.
