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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: You Stupid Little Skinny Man: From YKTTW

I removed the Azumangah Daioh quote: Baka wa OMAE DA! Most tropers here don't speak Japanese.

Racha: Re the Sherlock Holmes entry- Where does it say Watson met his 2nd wife through Holmes? He met Mary through The Sign of the Four (ugh), but we never even meet Mrs Watson II to my knowledge. Apart from Holmes complaining he's been deserted for this mystery woman, there's nothing to say she has anything to do with his cases.

Truro :I removed the following-

* Guido from Samurai Pizza Cats routinely picks on Speedy, makes fun of his heights, battles for him over Lucielle, and even tried to steal a Golden Ticket Speedy had. Did we mention Speedy is his BEST FRIEND?

pollygirl keeps posting this everywhere on this wiki (Jerk Sue etc) simply because she sees Guido as a threat to her prescious OTP. Please pay her no attention.
