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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

fleb: Based on all the other excerpts of this thing I've read, I don't see how this is any different from the main character's usual behavior. Cutting.

* In Paul Robinson's Instrument Of God, Supervisor 246 gets permission to come out of the Afterlife, gets to visit earth, and goes to see a police officer who is framing people to put them on death row. Disguising himself in a baseball uniform, he beats the police officer by kneecapping him with a baseball bat. He then says:
Those 10 people listed there, you framed every one of them, and you know it. Most of them are innocent, and if all you had picked on were guilty people, I'd have ignored it. But I could not tolerate a police officer knowingly sending innocent people to their deaths. You're going to report this to the media, and I expect it to make lots of news, about how someone came to show you the error of your ways of planting evidence and framing people for murder. In case you're thinking of not reporting it, I've sent a copy to the Governor, telling him how if he doesn't investigate this, he might get the same treatment you just did. I will come down on all of you worse than Keyser Söze.
