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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

BT The P: Atoner is kind of unwieldy. The Penitent would work, but it's hard to spell.

Andyzero: I'm open to suggestions.

Dark Sasami: Depends on how you want to spin it. Me, I'd go for Really Sorry Guy.

This can border on Failure Knight if you're not careful.

Susan Davis: I'm fond of The Penitent as a name; why is it hard to spell?

Ununnilium: I'm fine with this name, really.

Kilyle: I like The Atoner. It sounds better than The Penitent and, I think, gets to the point: This guy is using action to make up, in some small way, for his past. As opposed to just being sorry. And Really Sorry Guy makes light of this trope... I don't think that works for this trope, which is far more on the dramatic side than the comedic.

Shiralee: Would the movie Pay It Forward work? The kid who started it didn't have much to atone for, but most of the people who hopped on the bandwagon seem like good candidates, especially once the meme hit the prison populations. (however unrealistic that was, most would be apathetic to it since all it does is saw off a couple years for good behavior.)

Kizor: Yeah. I'm not comfortable with using a quote, even a perfectly fitting quote, when it gives away the fundamental plot points of one of the few games to qualify as art where the entire point is discovering those fundamentals.
The Good Incarnation: "(...) If you spoke to these others that were here, know that a fraction of the evil of their lives is but a drop of water compared to the evil of mine. That life, that one life, even *without* the thousands of others, has given us a seat in the Lower Planes for eternity."
The Nameless One: "But you seem so much... calmer. More well-intentioned."
The Good Incarnation: "I became that way, yes. Because for me... It is *regret* that may change the nature of a man. But it was too late. I was already damned."
— Planescape: Torment

Uknown Troper: As far as I can see, it only gives away a point of view on the 'nature of a man' question, and not much more. It's revealed pretty early that the Nameless One has had previous incarnations as well, so that's probably not spoiler-worthy either. The quote doesn't reveal the nature of the Good Incarnation either. Then again, I put the quote there in the first place so my opinion might not be eligible to count for anything.

Added what I thought was a perfect quote. Have no idea where it is from though (The Bible?) Adds it anyway.
